[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2011-2012 Graduate Academic Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2011-2012 Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Financial Information

Financial Assistance

Graduate students, enrolled at least half time in a degree program, are eligible to receive federal financial aid. Federal grants are restricted to students enrolled in undergraduate programs.

The Federal Stafford Loan program is available to graduate students. All eligible students may receive a Stafford Loan regardless of financial need. Financial need is used to determine eligibility to receive a subsidized Stafford Loan. Students not qualifying for a subsidized loan may receive an unsubsidized loan. Interest accrues on unsubsidized loans while a student is enrolled in school and during grace periods. When a borrower of any Stafford Loan ceases to be enrolled on at least a half-time basis, a six-month grace period begins; then the loan goes into repayment on principal and interest.

For more information on financial assistance, please contact the Student Financial Services Office at 800/240-7658.

Academic Progress and Financial Aid

This section applies to all Saint Leo University academic merit scholarships, Saint Leo University grants and scholarships, the Federal Pell Grant, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant, Federal Work Student, State Grants, Federal Stafford subsidized and unsubsidized loans, and the Federal PLUS loan.

Policy Basics

Beginning July 1, 2011, the 2011-2012 Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards will change in accordance with new federal regulations. The new federal regulations require all schools participating in Title IV federal financial aid programs to have a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy that conforms to the requirements detailed below:

  1. Satisfactory academic progress status is based on the student’s entire academic record, at all schools attended, regardless of whether the student received financial aid. If a student transfers in coursework from other institutions, we will count all attempted units accepted in the SAP calculation, for both progress and for maximum time frame.
  2. Newly admitted transfer students have SAP calculated based on adding their transfer credits to their attempted credits, allowing them to receive aid for the balance of the maximum time frame.
  3. SAP is calculated each semester (that includes two combined 8-week modules) after grades have been recorded by the Registrar. An e-mail notice will be sent when a student loses eligibility but may be close to the start of the next semester (or 8-week module).

Two Requirement Categories: Qualitative and Quantitative

Qualitative Requirement: The qualitative requirement sets a minimum cumulative grade point average for the degree level at which the student is classified. Note: This is the cumulative GPA used to determine SLU academic status and does not include grades from courses taken at another school.

  1. Undergraduate Students: Students must maintain academic standing consistent with GPA requirements below. At 60 or more credits attempted, students must maintain a minimum SLU GPA of 2.0 at all times.
Total Number of Credits Attempted Minimum Cumulative GPA
1-44 1.50
45-59 1.70
60 or more 2.0
  1. Graduate students: A 3.0 SLU GPA is required at all times.

Quantitative Requirement: The quantitative requirement has two parts, a maximum time frame and a required completion ratio. The requirements are different for undergraduate students and graduate students.

  1. Undergraduate Students
    1. Maximum time frame (maximum attempted credit hours): All undergraduate degrees at SLU require 120 earned credits. Federal regulations stipulate that the maximum time frame for an undergraduate student cannot exceed 150% of the published length of the academic program. Eligibility ends when the student has attempted 180 credit hours, which includes credits attempted at any school prior to and while enrolled at SLU regardless of whether the student received financial aid at the time that he or she attempted them.
    2. No longer eligible: Once students have attempted 180 credit hours, they are no longer eligible for financial aid as an undergraduate student, including a second baccalaureate degree.
    3. No extended eligibility for changes in major: There is no added time for a change in major, except if a major is no longer offered and the student is required to change.
    4. Completion ratio: Students must earn at least 67% of all credit hours attempted at any school. This is a cumulative calculation of all attempted and earned credits during all terms, at all schools attended.
  2. Graduate students
    1. Maximum time frame (maximum attempted credit hours): Graduate students must earn their graduate degree within the time limitations set by the Graduate School for their graduate program.
    2. Completion ratio: Students must earn at least 67% of all attempted credit hours attempted at any school in the graduate program. This is a cumulative calculation of all attempted and earned credits during all terms, at all schools attended.

Policy Details:

When Is SAP Determined?

  1. Initial review: First-semester, first-time college students are considered to be meeting SAP during the first SLU semester (or two 8-week modules). New transfer students must meet the SAP requirements once all final transcripts have been received and reviewed. SAP will be calculated after all final transcripts have been received and recorded by SLU.
  2. End of every semester (two 8-week modules) review: SAP status is calculated at the end of each semester (two 8-week modules) after grades are posted by the Registrar. Review periods are fall, spring, and summer. For combined 8-week module students, SAP would be checked Fall 1—Fall 2, Spring 1—Spring 2, and Summer 1—Summer 2 or Fall 2—Spring 1, Spring 2—Summer 1, Summer 2—Fall 1, depending on the academic calendar the student started on for BBAY (Borrower-Based Academic Year).

SAP Status

  1. Warning: – The first time the student falls short of meeting the required completion ratio, the student is placed in warning status <67% completion. NOTE: The student will remain eligible to receive financial aid while in warning status.

    After attending one semester (two 8-week modules) on warning<67% completion status, the completion ratio must be at least 67% of all attempted credits, or the student becomes ineligible for financial aid.

"SAP Cancel"

When the status is "SAP cancel" (ineligible), the student will no longer qualify for financial aid. This status can occur because of the following conditions:

  1. If the student has not reached the required 67% completion rate by the end of the Financial Aid Warning Period (one semester or two 8-week modules).
  2. When the student reaches the undergraduate limit of 180 attempted credits.
  3. If an undergraduate student does not meet the published GPA requirements.
  4. If a graduate student does not maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0 after each calculation.


Probation status can be granted only with an approved appeal for extenuating circumstances and if Financial Aid has determined the student will make SAP standards by the end of the next semester (payment period). If Financial Aid can’t determine that the student will make SAP progress by the end of the next semester, the student must be placed on an academic plan from an SLU advisor that details what is required for the student to meet the SAP requirements of 67% and/or earn his or her degree.

What happens when the student’s status is "SAP Cancel"?

The student is no longer eligible for financial aid, including federal loans, as well as any aid that requires an eligible SAP status.

How is eligibility regained?

  1. Appeal: If extenuating circumstances during specific terms of enrollment caused the student to not earn all attempted credits or maintain the minimum GPA, the student may file an SAP Appeal. Appeal forms are available on the SLU Financial Aid website. Examples of extenuating circumstances include but are not limited to unexpected death or major hospitalization of an immediate family member, extended hospitalization or medical condition of student, house fire, or being a victim of a violent crime. Unexpected employment or work issues beyond the student’s control may be considered on a case-by-case basis. The appeal should address and document these extenuating circumstances and describe how the circumstances have changed so that the student is in a better position to be academically successful. Appeals must include supporting documentation. Incomplete appeals or those missing documentation are typically denied. A committee will review the appeal, and the committee’s decision is final.
  2. Appeal requirements
    1. The student must provide a typewritten personal statement (not written by someone else on the student's behalf) and attach documentation of extenuating circumstances for specific terms of study with unearned (dropped, failed, incomplete, missing grades, repeated) credits that caused the student to not meet the SAP requirements.
    2. The student must explain what has changed that will allow the student to either meet the SAP requirements at the next calculation or meet the requirements of the academic plan.
    3. The student must attach an academic plan developed by an academic advisor which ensures that the student will meet the SAP requirements by a specific point in time, if Financial Aid determines that he or she can’t meet the SAP requirements by the end of the next semester.

Academic Circumstances That May Affect Status

  1. Changes in major, double majors, or minors may cause the student to reach the maximum attempted hours and lose eligibility before earning a degree.
  2. Incomplete grades, missing grades, failing grades, and course withdrawals all lower the student’s completion ratio because they are counted as attempted credits but not earned credits. They also count against the student's maximum attempted hours. Incomplete grades, missing grades, and withdrawals after the add/drop period are counted as attempted credit hours in the calculation.
  3. Courses taken for pass/fail grades count against both the student's maximum attempted credits and the student's completion ratio.
  4. Repeated courses count as attempted credit hours each time the student registers for them but reduce the completion ratio because they count as earned credits only once.
  5. Credits taken while enrolled in study abroad programs count toward the student's maximum attempted credits and completion ratio. Note: Credits count as attempted, but not earned, until the student's official transcript is reviewed and processed by the SLU Registrar. This delay could cause the student to fall into warning or ineligible status for completion ratio.
  6. Remedial courses do not count as either attempted or earned credits.
  7. Late posted grades or grade changes will not change the student’s status. The student may request a recalculation of SAP after the student has confirmed with the Registrar that the grade change has been posted to the student’s academic record.

Fees and Costs

Policies Common to the Graduate Degree Programs

Tuition and Fees

Master of Business Administration tuition on ground (per credit hour) $395
Master of Business Administration online tuition (civilian rate) (per credit hour) $630
Master of Business Administration Gwinnett tuition on ground (per credit hour) $395
Master of Business Administration online tuition (military rate) (per credit hour) $480
Master of Science in Criminal Justice tuition (per credit hour) $395
Master of Arts in Teaching tuition (per credit hour) $395
Master of Education, Master of Science in Instructional Design, and Education Specialist tuition (per credit hour) $395
Master of Social Work tuition (per credit hour) $395
Master of Arts in Theology tuition (per credit hour) $395*

*The Saint Leo Scholars Program supplements the Master in Theology tuition as part of the Catholic Mission of Saint Leo University.

Other Fees

Application Fee $80
Internet Course Access Fee $120
Master's in Education Portfolio or Exam Reading Fee $100
International Credential Evaluation Fee $230
Graduation Fee (regardless of participation in Commencement) $115
Certificate Fee $60
Replacement Diploma $30
I.D. or Food Card Replacement $25
Returned Check Fee Maximum allowed by state
Research Fee (accounts over 5 years old) Maximum allowed by state
Capstone Course Assessment Fee* $50-$175*

*Varies by capstone course.


Late Registration or Payment $25
Transcripts $7
Rush and Overnight Delivery $32

Parking Decal

Resident student (includes sales tax) $60
Non-resident student (includes sales tax) $30

Course fees may apply.

Late Fees

Unpaid balances are subject to a late fee of 1% monthly (12% annually).

Past-Due Accounts

When a student leaves the University owing money, his or her receivable balance is placed in collection status. These accounts may be assigned to an external collection agency after 90 days past due. Transcripts and diplomas will not be released until the account balance is zero.

Financial Responsibility

No transcripts, diplomas, certificates of attendance, or certain other official documents will be released if a student has financial indebtedness to the University. If a student leaves the University with an unpaid balance, the University will have no other choice but to hold the student responsible for any legal and/or collection fees incurred by the University in collecting the unpaid balance.

By enrolling in and attending University courses, students acknowledge and agree that they are responsible for all charges incurred as a result of their matriculation and enrollment in the University. This includes late charges, collection agency costs, and attorney's fees imposed on delinquent student accounts. In many instances, some of the charges may be settled by a student's sponsor, employer, or other interested party; however, the student is ultimately responsible for his or her account.

Withdrawing from Classes

Each student has the prerogative of dropping a course(s) during the drop/add period as published for each term. After the drop/add period and until the published last date for withdrawal a letter grade of W will be assigned for each course that is dropped. Caution: Students who fall below full-time status, as defined by their program and course of study, will be considered part time and may cause their financial aid status to be reexamined. Failure to attend class or merely giving notice to a faculty member will not be regarded as an official notice of withdrawal. Failure to properly withdraw will result in a grade of F. Deadlines for withdrawal from courses are reflected on the published schedule. Course withdrawal does not cancel any student indebtedness to the University.

Refunds for students who withdraw from a class or classes shall be calculated according to the schedule that follows.

Refunds of Tuition and Course Fees

Refunds for Saint Leo University students who withdraw before 25 percent of the term/semester has been completed shall be calculated on a pro rata basis as defined by federal regulations.

Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given according to the following schedule. Note that if you are enrolled at a Saint Leo University Continuing Education Center and/or online program in Georgia, South Carolina, and/or Virginia, please proceed to the applicable schedule.


100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.

75% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before the end of week two.

No refund for any course with withdrawal after the end of week two.*

*Policy does not apply to students enrolled at a Saint Leo University Continuing Education Center and/or online programs in Georgia, South Carolina, and Virginia.

Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are nonrefundable.

Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Appeals regarding refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Financial Services, MC 2097, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665.

Refunds of Tuition and Course Fees (Georgia and Virginia)

Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education Centers and/or online programs in Georgia or Virginia.

Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:


100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.

75% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before the end of week two.

50% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after the end of week two and before the end of week four.

No refund for any course with withdrawal after the end of week four.

Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are nonrefundable.

Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Appeals regarding refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Financial Services, MC 2097, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665.

Refunds of Tuition and Course Fees (South Carolina)

Refund policy for students enrolled in courses at Saint Leo University Continuing Education Centers and/or online programs in South Carolina.

Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given on the following schedule:


100% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.

75% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after add/drop and before the end of week two.

62% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after the end of week two and before the end of week three.

50% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after the end of week three and before the end of week four.

40% tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs after the end of week four and before the end of week 5.

No refund for any course with withdrawal after the end of week five.

Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are nonrefundable.

Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Appeals regarding refunds shall be submitted in writing to the Office of Student Financial Services, MC 2097, Saint Leo University, P.O. Box 6665, Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665.