[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2011-2012 Graduate Academic Catalog 
    Oct 18, 2024  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2011-2012 Graduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Academic Advising

All graduate students are assigned an academic advisor who will assist in course scheduling. Although the advisor will assist, the student is personally responsible for meeting all degree requirements for graduation.


Students register for courses during the registration period before the beginning of each semester or term. Registration may be completed in person, by mail, by facsimile, or online. Registration should be completed 15 days prior to the first class meeting.

The Saint Leo University Master of Social Work Program (MSW) is based on a cohort model of student matriculation. The program follows a planned course sequence. The course schedule is predetermined to assist students in building increasing levels of proficiency. Students entering the program are expected to follow the specific course sequence laid out by the faculty. Student petitions to be exempt from the required sequence are considered on a case-by-case basis. No exemptions are made in the Master of Social Work Program.

Saint Leo University reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student who fails to conform to the rules and regulations prescribed in the University catalog or other relevant University documents.

The University also reserves the right to cancel a course for which there are insufficient enrollments. Students will be notified via e-mail or telephone, and any tuition and fees paid for a course that has been canceled will be refunded if the student does not register in a replacement course.


Most graduate courses have a pre-assignment that must be completed before the first class session.

MBA Orientation

Those students enrolled in the Master of Business Administration degree program are required to satisfactorily complete a mandatory student orientation program. The required, not-for-credit course must be completed by the end of the first term. Tuition fees will not be assessed. The orientation course information will be provided by Graduate Admissions upon acceptance into the program.

Class Attendance

An educational program centered upon classroom instruction is predicated on the concept of regular class attendance. In support of this concept, the following principles and procedures are practiced:

  1. Except for reasonable cause, students are expected to be present at all regularly scheduled class meetings.
  2. Students whose attendance becomes unsatisfactory to the extent of adversely affecting their course performance are informed by their instructor and may be dropped from the course.
  3. Minor children of a faculty member or student are not permitted in the classroom during regularly scheduled class meetings.

Final Examinations

Weekend Programs

Final examinations are scheduled during the last class period of the semester. Students are not permitted to take final examinations before that time.


Course grades are assigned based on the degree to which the student fulfilled the objectives of the course and are evaluated as follows:

      Quality Points per Semester Hour  
  A 95%–100% Exceptional 4.0  
  A- 90%–94% Excellent 3.67  
  B+ 86%–89% Very Good 3.33  
  B 83%–85% Good 3.0  
  B- 80%–82% Fair 2.67  
  C 75%–79% Marginal 2.0  
  F Below 75% Failure 0.0  
  I Incomplete 0.0  
  W Withdrawal 0.0  
  WE Withdrawal Excused 0.0  
  AU Audit 0.0  

Unless approved by the appropriate school Dean, incomplete work (I) is counted as a failure (F) if the work is not completed by the end of the following term. An incomplete grade (I), once completed, will reflect the same term date the course was originally taken; however, a degree conferral date will be determined by the actual date the incomplete work was completed.

The grade of C is marginally acceptable for graduate work. Students may earn a C in only two courses during their graduate career at Saint Leo University. Any additional graduate course in which a student earns a grade of C or lower must be retaken, and a grade higher than a C must be earned before the end of the program. (Students who receive a third C in the Master of Social Work Program will be terminated from the program.) Any courses in which a grade of F is earned must be repeated. It is the student's responsibility to have a minimum GPA of 3.0 at the time of graduation and to ensure that no more than two classes are passed with only a grade of C. Students who do not meet these requirements will not be eligible for graduation.

For the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Criminal Justice, Graduate Studies in Education, Master of Social Work, and Master of Theology programs, the grade of F is not acceptable for graduate academic work. Students in the Master of Social Work Program must maintain a cumulative GPA of 3.0 each semester to remain in the program. If a student receives a grade of F in a class for any reason, that student must retake that course in the next term in which the student is enrolled and the course is available, unless otherwise approved by the director of that particular program. The course should be the only class in which the student is enrolled. Transferring credit into Saint Leo University from another school to replace the F grade is not permitted. If the student has enrolled in classes prior to the F grade being delivered, the student shall be administratively withdrawn from the classes, with no financial penalty to the student. An additional F grade for any reason shall result in the student being suspended from the respective program due to academic deficiencies. If a student receives an F in any class in the Master of Social Work Program, the student will be terminated from the Master of Social Work program.

Students who wish to request an incomplete (I) grade in any graduate course must do so in writing. The written request must be sent to the course instructor before the end of the term. If the instructor believes that the request is justified, the written request shall be forwarded with the instructor's approval to the appropriate graduate program director. This documentation will be kept in the student's permanent record. It is recommended that the student keep a hard copy of the request and the instructor's agreement.


Suspended students may apply for readmission after one year. The petition for reinstatement must be submitted to the director of the relevant graduate program at least one month before the intended date of reentry to the University. The petition must include a written statement from the student identifying the factors that led to the suspension and the actions that have been or will be taken to improve future academic performance. In addition to this statement, the student must obtain a written recommendation from at least one faculty member teaching in the graduate program.

The director of the graduate program will approve or disapprove the petition for reinstatement and will determine the conditions of reinstatement. Such conditions may include remedial courses at the undergraduate level and/or enrollment in only one graduate course per term.

Academic Dismissal

Graduate students whose academic standing is so poor that, in the judgment of the University, improvement is unlikely will be academically dismissed. Dismissal is permanent termination of student status from Saint Leo University. Students who have been dismissed may not be readmitted to the institution under any circumstances.


Extensive information resources are available in the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library. Call 352/588-8258 for library hours, or visit the library website at www.saintleo.edu/library. The Hugh Culverhouse Computer Instruction Center has three large, state-of-the-art microcomputer classrooms for use by graduate students. They are located on the lower level of the library, as is also a Video Teleconferencing Classroom. For University Campus and online graduate students, the library is designed to aid academic research through remote access at www.saintleo.edu/library.

Computer Specifications

Saint Leo University highly recommends that all students have the following:


  • Pentium 4 or higher PC
  • Windows XP or Windows 7
  • Internet Explorer 7.0 or higher
  • Video display 800 x 600 or greater
  • 2 gigabytes of RAM or higher
  • wired or wireless ethernet
  • Internet service provider (broadband recommended)
  • Sound card and speakers


  • Microsoft Word 2007, Excel 2007, Access 2007, and PowerPoint 2007 (or 2010 versions)
  • Adobe PDF 9.0
  • Adobe Flash Player 10.0

Please note that there may be software components accompanying textbook materials that are not MAC compatible. Students may experience problems using these tools as a result. Saint Leo University cannot be held responsible for students experiencing difficulty with software components that are not MAC compatible.

Students must use only Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel for submitting their papers, projects, etc. All other types of programs are not permitted unless otherwise specified and approved by the professor.

Technical support for the MBA Program can be reached at 866/501-1636, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Technical support for all other programs can be reached at 866/404-1595, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Research Reference Requirements

Those students enrolled in the Master of Business Administration, Master of Science in Criminal Justice and/or the Certificate in Criminal Justice Management, the Master of Science in Critical Incident Management, the Master of Education, Instructional Design, Education Specialist, and Master of Social Work programs are permitted to use only the American Psychological Association (APA) format for referencing material. All other formats—e.g., Chicago or MLA—will not be permitted unless specified by the professor.

Transfer Credit

Saint Leo University recognizes credit only from regionally accredited institutions. Up to six credit hours of graduate coursework completed at other institutions may be accepted toward the master's degree requirements if such coursework is determined to be content equivalent to one or two of the required courses in the curriculum. The MSW Program will accept only 3 or 9 credit hours of foundation social work courses from a CSWE-accredited MSW program as transfer credit for the 2 or 3 year programs. Only graduate work in which the student earned a grade of B or higher will be transferred to fulfill degree requirements. No quality points are awarded for transfer credit. Credit that was earned five or more years ago will be considered on a course-by-course, case-by-case basis at the time the transfer evaluation is prepared. The student must make a written request for the evaluation of transfer credits and must provide official transcripts and other supporting information requested. Evaluation of transfer credits will be made only after the student has applied for admission and paid the application fee.

No graduate credits from another institution will be accepted towards our graduate programs once the student has been accepted into the program unless approved in writing by the director of the relevant graduate program.

Independent and Directed Study

No independent study coursework will be accepted for transfer credit. However, students are strongly encouraged to conduct and publish scholarly work while enrolled in the program. Students may request a faculty member to serve as their research mentor.