California Addendum
Ed. Code §94909
Saint Leo University is a private institution approved to operate by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (BPPE). Approval to operate means Saint Leo University has met the minimum standards set by the California Education Code and Title 5, Division 7.5 of the California Code of Regulations.
This addendum provides information about Saint Leo University and its policies to students and potential students who are residents of California. Announcements contained in this publication are subject to change without notice and may not be regarded in the nature of binding obligations to the University. The University reserves the right to change any provisions or requirements.
Saint Leo University is committed to policies that ensure that there is no discrimination on the basis of age, gender, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or disability. Saint Leo University complies with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended). Saint Leo University has a strong commitment to principles of equal employment opportunity and equal access to education. Saint Leo University does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnic origin, genetic information, gender, marital status, nationality, race, religion, or veteran status, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law in its educational programs, admissions policies, financial aid, employment, or other school administered programs.
Prospective students are encouraged to review this catalog and the School Performance Fact Sheet prior to signing an enrollment agreement. A student or any member of the public may file a complaint about this institution with the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education by calling (888) 370-7589 toll-free or by completing a complaint form, which is available on the bureau's internet web site
Saint Leo University is not pending a petition in bankruptcy or operating as a debtor in possession. Saint Leo University has not filed a petition with the preceding five years nor has a petition in bankruptcy filed against Saint Leo University within the past five years that resulted in reorganization under Chapter 11 of the United States Bankruptcy Code (11 U.S.C. Sec. 1101 et seq.)
Transferability of Credits Ed. Code §94909 (a) 15
The transferability of credits you earn at Saint Leo University is at the complete discretion of an institution to which you may seek to transfer. Acceptance of the credits or degree you earn in your chosen educational program is also at the complete discretion of the institution to which you may seek to transfer. If the credits or degree that you earn at this institution are not accepted at the institution to which you seek to transfer, you may be required to repeat some or all of your coursework at that institution. For this reason you should make certain that your attendance at this institution will meet your educational goals. This may include contacting an institution to which you may seek to transfer after attending Saint Leo University to determine if your credits or degree will transfer.
Early Admissions Information
California Education Code (CEC) §94811 mandates that early admission candidates shall take an independently administered ability-to-benefit (ABT) examination. California Education Code (CEC) §94811 defines an ability-to-benefit (ATB) student as a student who does not have a certificate of graduation from a school providing secondary education, or a recognized equivalent of that certificate. Under CEC §94904 (a), an institution is required, prior to executing an enrollment agreement with an ATB student, to have the student take and pass an independently administered examination from the list of examinations prescribed by the United States Department of Education (USDE). A list of approved ATB examinations can be found here:
California Education Center Locations:
San Diego Education Center, California |
** This location is transitioning to online-only degree programs ** |
Saint Leo University - Naval Base San Diego
Navy College Office
3975 Norman Scott Road, Room B-103
TSC Building 3280
San Diego, CA 92136
** This location is transitioning to online-only degree programs **
Faculty Qualifications
Saint Leo University follows SACSCOC guidelines when determining the qualifications of its faculty:
- Faculty teaching general education courses at the undergraduate level: doctorate or master's degree in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline.
- Faculty teaching associate degree courses designed for transfer to a baccalaureate degree: doctorate or master's degree in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline.
- Faculty teaching associate degree courses not designed for transfer to the baccalaureate degree: bachelor's degree in the teaching discipline, or associate's degree and demonstrated competencies in the teaching discipline.
- Faculty teaching baccalaureate courses: doctorate or master's degree in the teaching discipline or master's degree with a minimum of 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline.
- Faculty teaching graduate and post-baccalaureate course work: earned doctorate/terminal degree in the teaching discipline or a related discipline.
Although academic credentials provide the standard qualification for faculty members at Saint Leo, other types of qualifications may also be considered appropriate. Examples could include appropriately related work experiences in the field, professional licensure and certifications related to the teaching assignment, honors and awards, continuing professional development, relevant peer-reviewed publications, and/or continuous documented excellence in teaching.
2022-2023 Term Dates (5 CCR §71810 (b)(1)
The academic year covered by this catalog is July 5, 2022 - July 2, 2023
Summer II: |
July 05 - August 28 |
(Registration March 14, 2022 - July 11, 2022) |
Fall I: |
August 29 - October 23 |
(Registration March 7 - September 5, 2022) |
Fall II: |
October 24 - December 18 |
(Registration March 7 - October 31, 2022) |
Spring I: |
January 17 - March 12 |
(Registration August 29, 2022 - January 23, 2023) |
Spring II: |
March 13 - May 7 |
(Registration October 24, 2022 - March 19, 2023) |
Summer I: |
May 8 - July 2 |
(Registration January 16 - May 15, 2023) |
Mission Statement 5 CCR §71810 (b)(2)
Saint Leo University is a Catholic, liberal arts-based university serving people of all faiths. Rooted in the 1,500-year-old Benedictine tradition, the university seeks balanced growth in mind, body, and spirit for all members of its community. At University Campus, at education centers, and through the Center for Online Learning, Saint Leo University offers a practical, effective model for life and leadership in a challenging world; a model based on a steadfast moral consciousness that recognizes the dignity, value, and gifts of all people.
To accomplish its mission, the university community creates a student-centered environment in which the love of learning is of prime importance. Members of the community are expected to examine and express their own values, listen respectfully to and respond to the opinions of others, serve the community in which they live, welcome others into their lives, and care for all of God's creations.
Learning Objectives Relationship to University Mission
To accomplish its mission, the university community creates a student-centered environment in which the love of learning is of prime importance. Members of the community are expected to examine and express their own values, listen respectfully to and respond to the opinions of others, serve the community in which they live, welcome others into their lives, and care for all of God's creations.
In addition to the mission, the university has identified six core values of excellence, community, respect, personal development, responsible stewardship, and integrity. Combined, the mission and values guide program development. Courses throughout the curriculum are infused with activities related to the core values, thus helping students recognize "...the dignity, value and gifts of all people."
The curriculum for all academic programs is directly related to the university's mission. The general education program, University Explorations, fulfills the mission component of a "liberal arts-based university" Courses in each major fulfill the mission component of providing "a practical, effective model for life and leadership in a challenging world" In addition, Saint Leo University provides small class sizes (averaging 16 students on University Campus, 10 in education centers, and 17 in the Center for Online Learning) that enable "a student-centered environment in which the love of learning is of prime importance".
Educational and Learning Goals 5 CCR §71810 (b)(8)
1. We expect students to demonstrate intellectual growth:
Think critically and independently
Make informed decisions
Commit to lifelong learning
Engage in problem solving
Exercise reasoned judgment
Develop quantitative skills
Learn experientially
Understand how living things and physical systems operate
Prepare for graduate study
2. We expect students to demonstrate effective communication skills:
3. We expect students to demonstrate deepened spiritual values:
Understand Catholic and Benedictine values and traditions
Commit to act in concert with one's values
Respect differences in belief systems and values
Show compassion and empathy
Understand the relationships among humans, living things, the universe, and God
Balance one's life
4. We expect students to respond aesthetically:
5. We expect students to prepare for an occupation:
Strive for excellence
Develop an international perspective
Become competent in managing people/tasks, responding to change, planning innovation, collaborating, applying technology, and acting fiscally responsible
6. We expect students to demonstrate social responsibility:
Act with integrity
Exercise personal responsibility
Respect all living things
Work for diversity both locally and globally
Build community
Commit to resource stewardship
7. We expect students to demonstrate personal growth and development:
Develop self-understanding
Learn to manage self
Deal with ambiguity
Exercise flexibility
Strengthen confidence and self-esteem
Learn persistence
Care for self and physical and spiritual well-being
Develop leadership
Foster a work ethic
8. We expect students to demonstrate effective interpersonal skills:
The program curriculum approval processes require that the faculty member proposing any new program or course show how the program or course relates to the institutional mission and values. As the approved curriculum applies to all courses offered across all locations and delivery modes, all students experience coursework that is directly related to the mission of the institution whether taking classes in a classroom or by online learning.
International Student Admission Policies 5 CCR §71810 (b) 4 & 5
Saint Leo University recognizes all international diplomas and credits taken at accredited secondary and postsecondary institutions once all appropriate official documentation and credentials are received and translated (where necessary). Credit is granted in accordance with the Association of International Educators (NAFSA) and the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO). Students presenting diplomas indicating academic work beyond the high school level may receive up to one year of University credit. The Registrar and the academic divisions will determine the exact number and nature of courses granted once course syllabi, catalogs, and credential translations are complete.
English Language Proficiency
All instruction will occur in English - International candidates for admission must prove English language proficiency in at least one of the following:
- A minimum score 550 (paper based) or 78 (Internet based) on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).
- A minimum of 6.0 on the International English Language Testing system (IELTS).
- A minimum of 450 on the verbal component of the SAT.
- Grades of B or higher in English composition courses where English is the institutional language of instruction.
- For transfer students, two semesters with grades of B or higher in English composition courses at regionally accredited postsecondary institutions in the United States.
- Successful completion of the highest proficiency level of a NAFSA-recognized ESL program.
Students who may not satisfy the language proficiency requirements for general admission may still meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements for University admission through the Bridge program.
The Office of Admissions may require international students to take a placement test upon arrival at the University to determine appropriate placement.
The University English Bridge Program
Students who do not meet the minimum English language requirement for the University may be considered for admission to The Bridge Program, an intensive language program designed to help international students improve their English language skills and transition to the regular university curriculum. Students must pass all courses in the program with a C- in order to matriculate into their chosen majors.
Admissions Requirements for Bridge Program
The Saint Leo University Bridge Program is an academic program designed to provide qualified students with the opportunity to adjust smoothly to the US academic environment and strengthen their academic English language proficiency. The program serves the needs and the interests of international students who meet the minimum English language proficiency requirements for University admission. Students will be admitted to the program based on one of the following criteria:
- Paper-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) scores between 549 and 497
- Internet-based TOEFL (iBT) scores between 78 and 45
- International English Language Testing System (IELTS) between 5.0 and 6
The English proficiency test should be taken within the last two years.
The official score reports should be sent to the University Admissions Office directly by the ETS or IELTS.
- Successful completion of the highest intermediate level in a NAFSA-recognized ESL Program with a GPA 3.00 or higher and a recommendation letter from an English language instructor from the program.
The program should be completed within the last two years.
All students admitted to the Bridge program will be required to take a diagnostic test in the beginning of their first semester.
The university reserves the right to make adjustments to the noted admission criteria.
California Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) - 5 CCR §76215(a)
Students must pay the state-imposed assessment for the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) if all of the following apply:
A student in an educational program, is a California resident, or are enrolled in a residency program, and prepay all of part of your tuition either by cash, guaranteed student loans, or personal loans, and your total charges are not paid by any third-party payer such as an employer, government program or other payer unless you have a separate agreement to repay the third party.
Students are not eligible for protection from the STRF and are not required to pay the STRF assessment if the following applies:
- You are not a California resident, or
- You are not enrolled in a residency program, or
- Your total charges are paid by a third party, such as an employer, government program or other payer
- and you have no separate agreement to repay the third party
Per 5 CCR §76215(b)
The State of California created the Student Tuition Recovery Fund (STRF) to relieve or mitigate economic losses suffered by students in educational programs who are California residents or who are enrolled in a residency program attending certain schools regulated by the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education. You may be eligible for STRF if you are a California resident or are enrolled in a residency program, prepaid tuition, paid STRF assessment, and suffered an economic loss as a result of any of the following:
- The school closed before the course of instruction was completed.
- The school's failure to pay refunds or charges on behalf of a student to a third party for license fees or any other purpose, or to provide equipment or materials for which a charge was collected within 180 days before the closure of the school.
- The school's failure to pay or reimburse loan proceeds under a federally guaranteed student loan program as required by law or to pay or reimburse proceeds received by the school prior to closure in excess of tuition and other costs.
- There was a material failure to comply with the Act or the Division within 30-days before the school closed or, if the material failure began earlier than 30-days prior to closure, the period determined by the Bureau.
- An inability after diligent efforts to prosecute, prove, and collect on a judgment against the institution for a violation of the Act.
However, no claim can be paid to a student without a social security number or a taxpayer identification number.
Financial Aid Policies 5 CCR §71810 (b)(6)
Saint Leo University's Student Financial Services encourages all students to electronically file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) to determine their eligibility for student aid assistance from federal, state, and private sources.
Financial Responsibility Ed. Code §94909 (a) 11
The University will not release transcripts, diplomas, certificates of attendance, or certain other official documents if a student has financial indebtedness. The balance on the student account must be zero for the student to be permitted the privilege of participating in Commencement and Baccalaureate exercises.
If a student leaves the University with an unpaid balance, the University will have no other choice but to hold the student responsible for any legal and/or collection fees incurred by the University in collecting the unpaid balance.
By enrolling in and attending University courses, students acknowledge and agree that they are responsible for all charges occurring as a result of their educational activities. In many instances, some of the charges may be settled by a student's sponsor, employer, or other interested party; however, the student is ultimately responsible for his or her account.
Admission Policies 5 Ed.Code §94909 (a)(11)
University Campus Admissions
At Saint Leo University, we emphasize teaching and focus on you—the student—because we recognize your college experience shapes your future.
Saint Leo has a tradition of always putting the student first—from enrollment and admission practices, to student life here at the university. This culture of community at Saint Leo is what drives us to treat everybody well—regardless of their enrollment status.
Questions? Contact Admissions at (352) 588-8283 or (800) 334-5532, or email us at
Follow the specific admission process instructions for you.
Incoming Freshmen »
Transfer Students »
International Students »
Education Center Application Process
To apply for enrollment in one of Saint Leo University's Education Centers, stop by the Education Center nearest you for assistance or:
- Fill out the online application.
- Submit the one-time $45 nonrefundable application fee.
- Submit proof of high school graduation. If you have not attended another regionally accredited college or university, you must submit proof of high school graduation. This can take the form of:
- An official secondary school transcript
- An official GED score report
- Submit official academic transcripts. Provide a chronological list of all colleges and universities you have attended, even if you did not complete a full academic term. You must submit a Transcript Release Form for each regionally accredited college or university you attended or in which you were enrolled. Transcript Release Form
- Submit official scores for the following standardized examinations, if applicable: Advanced Placement (AP), College-Level Examination Program (CLEP), Defense Activity for Nontraditional Education Support (DANTES), Excelsior College Exams (ECE), USAFI, Regents Examinations, other applicable examinations.
- Submit professional training documentation for possible academic credit. Provide documentation if you are a graduate of a nursing training program (include license), or a police officer who has completed training with the FBI National Academy, police institute and/or certified polygraph schools. Verification of training/service is obligatory in order to obtain academic credit for your training. All non-traditional sources of credit have specific limits.
Send all these materials directly to Saint Leo University:
Saint Leo University, Admissions
33701 State Road 52
PO Box 6665, MC 2008
Saint Leo, FL 33574
Once all of a student's documents have been received, you can expect official notification of our admission decision within 30 business days. If you do not qualify for admission by meeting the usual requirements, but show promise of academic success, Saint Leo University may grant provisional admission.
Attendance Policies Ed. Code §94909 (a)(8)(D)
Students are expected to attend all class periods in which they are enrolled. Students who do not attend the 1st class meeting of a course in which they are registered may be administratively dropped unless they make arrangements with the instructor prior to the first day of class.
The regulation of class attendance is the responsibility of the faculty and they determine the criteria that defines which absences may or may not be excused. Students are responsible to instructors for any class work missed during absences.
Prior Experiential Learning Assessment 5 CCR §71810 (b)(7) and 5 CCR §71770(c)(1)-(7)
The PLA-100 Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) course, is the process of earning college credit for learning that was acquired from non-classroom experiences like work, professional training, military careers, volunteering, and personal life. Students identify areas of learning they may want to have evaluated for college-level equivalency. Credit may be granted for experiential learning however, credit is not awarded solely based on experience. Knowledge, and skills obtained through prior learning must be equivalent to university level of learning, demonstrate a balance between theory and practice, and directly relate to student's degree plan. The PLA-100 course will guide students through the preparation and compilation of all components required for the evaluation of a portfolio or prior learning through Successful completion of PLA 100 will result in three lower-level elective credits.
PLA 100 Prior Learning Theory and Practice
Tuition for PLA-100 is $257 per credit hour for civilians/$250 per credit hour for military, totaling $771/$750 respectively and includes your first ePortfolio evaluation.
The amount of credit awarded for prior experiential learning shall is not related to the amount charged the student for the assessment process.
Portfolio Evaluation
There will be a $125 charge for each additional portfolio review. The maximum amount of undergraduate PLA credit is 15 credit hours that will apply to an academic program. No PLA credits are awarded at the graduate level.
For more information about the Prior Learning Assessment course and program offered by the Council for Adult and Experiential Learning, please contact your Academic Advisor.
Your Academic Advisor will be able to enroll you in this course.
Probation and Dismissal Policies 94909(a)(8)(C)
Academic Sanctions Policy for All Undergraduate Students
In order to continue in good standing, a student must maintain a minimum grade point average of 2.0. The system of academic sanctions is designed to identify and help, as well as warn, those students who are in danger of not qualifying for degrees at the end of their senior year.
The University reserves the right to require remedial action on behalf of students who are placed on academic warning or probation or are sanctioned due to a violation of the Academic Honor Code. Such action may include, but is not limited to, requiring students to repeat failed courses and receive a grade of C or higher, take a reduced course load, attend monitored study assistance programs, accept tutoring, change their program of study, or lose their eligibility to participate in intercollegiate athletics. The Academic Standards Committee sets these regulations and conditions.
Academic sanctions contained herein conform with NCAA eligibility standards. Members of varsity sports programs and students receiving financial aid must inform themselves of additional eligibility requirements of these programs.
Academic Honesty Violations
(See also "Academic Honor Code ")
- The sanction for a first violation of the Academic Honor Code could range from zero on the assignment to dismissal from the university, depending on the nature of the violation, but the usual sanction is failure of the course.
- The minimum sanction for a subsequent offense is an F in the course, but the usual sanction is suspension or dismissal of the student from Saint Leo University.
No provision will be made for the student to receive a W.
Academic Sanctions
Sanctions are issued annually for University Campus students. Education Center students will be reviewed for academic sanctions after they have 12 attempted hours at Saint Leo University. Academic sanctions are issued as follows:
Probation |
1.50-1.79 |
Suspension |
Below 1.50 |
31-59 hours attempted |
Warning |
1.90-1.99 |
Probation |
1.70-1.89 |
Suspension |
Below 1.70 |
60-89 hours attempted |
Probation |
1.90-1.99 |
Suspension |
Below 1.90 |
90 plus hours attempted |
Suspension |
Below 2.00 |
Academic Warning
Students who are placed on academic warning are encouraged to meet with their academic advisor to develop a plan to avoid further academic sanctions.
Academic Probation
Students who are on academic probation cannot hold or run for an office; cannot participate in selected activities; cannot pledge a Greek organization; cannot be a candidate for any kind of honor, including participation in the graduation ceremony; must repeat failed courses in the next term or semester offered, receiving a grade of C or higher; and possibly take a reduced course load, attend monitored study assistance programs, accept tutoring, or change their program of study. Students who are on academic probation are also ineligible to participate in intercollegiate athletics. Students on academic probation must register for classes with their advisor.
Academic Suspension
Students whose cumulative grade point averages are deficient for their academic levels are subject to academic suspension. The criteria for determining academic suspension are (1) semester hours attempted at Saint Leo University and (2) student classification, based on total earned hours, including hours in residence and hours in transfer.
Veterans Benefits and Academic Progress
The law requires that educational assistance benefits to veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective. Accredited schools are required by law to have and enforce standards of progress for their programs to be approved for VA benefits. These standards are stated under the Academic Sanctions Policy.
Academic Dismissal
Undergraduate students whose academic standing is so poor that, in the judgment of the Division for Academic Affairs, improvement of the grade point average to 2.00 is unlikely, will be academically dismissed. Dismissal is permanent termination of student status from Saint Leo University. Students who have been dismissed may not be readmitted to the institution under any circumstances.
Appellate Process
Students have the right to appeal academic suspensions. If students wish to appeal for immediate reinstatement, they must do so within two weeks of the official notification by the University. A successful appeal lifts suspension, but students are placed on academic probation.
For University College students, appeals from academic suspensions must be made in writing to the Registrar within 10 days of receipt of the suspension notice. Education Center students should appeal to their Center Director. Online Learning Center students should appeal to the Associate Vice President of Enrollment and Support Services or their designee.
The petition must include students' personal assessments regarding the factors that led to their suspension and what they would do positively to alter their academic status. The Center Director, with their recommendations, will submit the appeal to the Division for Academic Affairs. The Division for Academic Affairs will render a final, non-appealable decision.
Students suspended from Saint Leo University may apply for readmission after one year. The petition for reinstatement must be submitted to the Registrar at least one month before the intended date of reentry to the University for University College students. Education Center students petition through their Center Director. Online Learning students petition through the Associate Vice President of Undergraduate Admissions and Academic Advising. The petition must include students' personal assessments regarding the factors that led to their suspension and what they would do positively to alter their academic status. Fulfilling these conditions does not guarantee reinstatement, and a student who is reinstated remains on academic probation.
The Division for Academic Affairs determines whether to deny or grant a request for reinstatement and determines the conditions of reinstatement. Conditions for reinstatement of housing may be specified by the Associate Vice President of Enrollment and Support Services or their designee.
Appealing Credit Decisions:
Students wishing to appeal decisions related to the awarding of credit should follow the institutions general appeals process.
Veterans Benefits and Academic Progress
The law requires that educational assistance benefits to veterans and other eligible persons be discontinued when the student ceases to make satisfactory progress toward completion of his or her training objective. Accredited schools are required by law to have and enforce standards of progress for their programs to be approved for VA benefits. These standards are stated under the Academic Sanctions Policy.
Academic Dismissal
Undergraduate students whose academic standing is so poor that, in the judgment of the Division for Academic Affairs, improvement of the grade point average to 2.00 is unlikely, will be academically dismissed. Dismissal is permanent termination of student status from Saint Leo University. Students who have been dismissed may not be readmitted to the institution under any circumstances.
Withdrawal & Tuition Refund Policy 5 CCR §71750
The following policies apply to California students attending programs at Saint Leo University.
Student Loans
If a student obtains a loan to pay for an educational program, the student will have the responsibility to repay the full amount of the loan plus interest, less the amount of any refund sent to the Department of Education. If the student has received federal student financial aid funds, the student is entitled to a refund of the moneys not paid from federal student financial aid program funds.
Withdrawal & Tuition Refund Policy for Students Attending in California
Refunds of tuition for withdrawal from courses are given according to the following schedule:
- 100-percent tuition refund if course withdrawal occurs by the end of the add/drop period.
- If a student has completed 60-percent or less of the scheduled period of attendance and withdraws, the student is entitled to a pro-rata refund. The pro-rata refund calculation shall be based on a daily charge of the program.
Laboratory and special course fees are 100-percent refundable if withdrawal occurs before the end of the drop/add period. After classes begin, laboratory and special course fees are non-refundable.
Refunds due students who have credit balances in their tuition account will automatically be issued within 14 days. Questions regarding refunds should be directed to Student Financial Services at 800-240-7658.
It should be noted that the student has a right to cancel the enrollment agreement by the first class session, or the seventh day after enrollment, whichever is later.
Withdraw & Return of Title IV Funds
Saint Leo University is a semester based school with classes offered in semesters and terms. Semester students are awarded on a traditional semester-based calendar with one disbursement per semester (or every 16 weeks). Term students are awarded on an alternative semester calendar with two disbursements per semester (over the course of two 8 week terms). Student accounts reflect tuition charges at the time a student registers for classes; however, these charges will be reversed if the student drops or does not attend by the end of the drop/add period. A student officially withdraws by completing the steps outlined in Saint Leo University's Attendance and Withdrawal Policies and Procedures.
Federal aid used in the return of Title IV funds calculation includes Federal Pell Grant, Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (SEOG), Federal Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG), TEACH, Direct Subsidized loans, Direct Unsubsidized loans, Direct Grad PLUS loans and Direct PLUS loans that have been disbursed or have yet to be disbursed. Federal Work Study is excluded.
The amount of Title IV federal aid earned by a student is determined on a pro-rata basis up to the end of 60-percent of the term. Once a student has completed more than 60-percent of a term, all awarded aid has been earned.
The calculation consists of the number of calendar days completed in a term or semester divided by the total calendar days in the term or semester. After calculating the percentage of aid earned, the total aid disbursed (and that has yet to be disbursed) for the term is multiplied by the percentage earned and rounded to the one-hundredth decimal.
A post-withdrawal disbursement of Pell and loan funds may be paid if the student is eligible to receive the funds. The student (or parent if a PLUS loan) will be notified within 30 days of the date of withdrawal of the opportunity to accept, reduce, or decline the post-withdrawal disbursement. Upon receipt of a timely response (within 14 days) from the student (or parent), the university will disburse the loan funds as soon as possible and within 180 days of the withdrawal date.
Loan funds will be applied towards the outstanding payment period charges on the student's account and may pay up to the amount of the allowable charges (i.e. tuition, fees, room, board, and bookstore authorizations).
When grant funds must be returned by the student, the law provides that the student may repay 50-percent of a federal grant rather than 100-percent. The university will notify the student of the overpayment within 30 days of the date of withdrawal and return the overpayment of funds on behalf of the student. The university will debit the student's account and collect any balance created by the return of funds. When loan funds should be returned (student or parent if PLUS loan), they will be repaid in accordance with the terms of the promissory note over a period of time.
Students will receive an email to their Saint Leo email address on file or a letter mailed to their home address on file as their withdraw calculation notification.
Withdrawal and Return of Title IV Funds Scenarios
The following scenarios are for term-based students that do not complete a Confirmation of Future Attendance form for their second term:
- If a student withdrawals from term 1 and is registered for term 2: The total number of days from term 1 and term 2 is used to calculate a potential return of funds. After the drop/add period of term 2 is reached, the student's account is reviewed. If the student is active in term 2, the term 1 calculation is reviewed and if necessary, removed. Term 1 awards are updated to reflect the original disbursement amounts. If the student is not active in term 2 after the drop/add period, the calculation remains the same.
- If a student withdrawals from term 1 and is not registered for term 2: A calculation is performed using the total number of days in term 1. All future disbursements are canceled due to the student not being enrolled.
- If a student withdrawals from term 2, but had attended term 1: A calculation is performed using the total number of days in term 1 and term 2.
- If a student completes term 1 and does not begin term 2, then a return of Title IV funds calculation is not needed.
- If a student does not attend term 1 but attends term 2 and withdrawals: A calculation is performed using only the total number of days in term 2.
- If a student is not eligible for Title IV funds at the time of withdrawal, then a calculation is not required. For semester based students that are withdrawing, a calculation is performed using the total number of semester days. When a semester student receives a "Failure to Attend" status, the 50-percent calculation mark is based on half of the semester's total number of days. If a term-based student receives a "Failure to Attend" status for term 1, the 50-percent mark is half of the total number of days of term 1 and term 2. Similarly, if a term-based student receives a "Failure to Attend" status for term 2, the 50-percent mark is half of the total number of days of term 1 and term 2.
Tuition Deposit Fee
Saint Leo University does not charge a tuition deposit fee for Bachelor or Master Programs offered in California.
Estimated San Diego Program Expenses
Below are the total charges (estimated) for 2020 tuition costs. Cost estimates are subject to change yearly.
The estimated tuition, fees, and charges posted here are based on current approved amounts. These estimates assume full-time enrollment and do not factor in any applicable financial aid or transfer credit previously earned.
Tuition, fees, and charges are subject to change and could be affected by State or university funding reductions. Accordingly, final approved levels (and thus a student's final balance due) may differ from the amounts shown.
Programs Offered and Cost of Attendance Estimates - Civilian
Direct Cost
Indirect Costs
Total for 90 credits
Associate of Arts
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
AA Business Administration
AA Criminal Justice
AA Liberal Arts
Direct Cost
Indirect Costs
Total for 120 credits
Bachelor of Arts
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
BA Accounting
BA Business Administration - Logistics
BA Business Administration - Management
BA Business Administration - Marketing
BA Business Administration - Technology Management
BA Criminal Justice
BA Criminal Justice - Criminalistics
BA Criminal Justice - Homeland Security
Bachelor of Science
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
BS Computer Information Systems
BS Health Care Management
Programs Offered and Cost of Attendance Estimates - Military
Direct Cost
Indirect Costs
Total for 90 credits
Associate of Arts
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
AA Business Administration
AA Criminal Justice
AA Liberal Arts
Direct Cost
Indirect Costs
Total for 120 credits
Bachelor of Arts
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
BA Accounting
BA Business Administration - Logistics
BA Business Administration - Management
BA Business Administration - Marketing
BA Business Administration - Technology Management
BA Criminal Justice
BA Criminal Justice - Criminalistics
BA Criminal Justice - Homeland Security
Direct Cost
Indirect Costs
Total for 120 credits
Bachelor of Science
Per Credit
Per Semester
Per Semester
BS Computer Information Systems
BS Health Care Management
If it has been more than five years since your last registration at Saint Leo University, you must be readmitted. You will NOT be required to pay an application fee.
For further information on the Department of Education's policy on re-admission for service members, please see
Computer Specifications 5 CCR §71810 (b) 9
Saint Leo University highly recommends that all students have:
- Dual Core or higher processor
- 4 GB of RAM or higher
- 160 GB of hard drive disc space or higher
- WiFi Enabled
- Ethernet network port
Software Requirements
- Windows 7 or higher or Mac OSX version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
- Office 365 (students are eligible to have a free Office 365 account) this includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive with 1TB of cloud storage and Access*
*Access is only available to be installed on Windows based computers
There are alternate web browsers in addition to Internet Explorer that may be better for students to use, such as Firefox or Google Chrome.Saint Leo University recommends the latest version of Chrome, Firefox or Safari.
Please note that there may be software components accompanying textbook materials that are not Mac compatible. Students may experience problems using these tools as a result. Saint Leo University cannot be held responsible for students experiencing difficulty with software components that are not Mac compatible.
Technical Support Services
The Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Helpdesk serves all Saint Leo University locations from the University Campus. Support Specialists provide support for University technology related services, including: Classroom Technology, Event Support, The Portal, Email Services, Network & Telecommunications Services, Information Security, Hardware & Software, and System Application & Infrastructure Support.
Technical support services can be reached at (352) 588-8888 Option 1; or
Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8am - 5 pm EST (Closed Saturday and Sunday).
Phone Support Hours: 8 am - 8 pm EST, Monday - Friday; 8 am - 5 pm EST, Saturday, closed Sunday.
Library Resources 5 CCR §71810 (b) 10
Extensive information resources are available to all students through the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library. For online students, the library website and the Ask-a-Librarian feature are designed to aid remote access to the library's resources and services. Online students may also call the reference desk at 800/359-5945 for person-to-person assistance from a reference librarian.
Online Learning 5 CCR §71810 (b) 11
Saint Leo's undergraduate and graduate online degree programs prepare you to take advantage of growing career opportunities in a variety of in-demand fields.
- Taught by accomplished faculty with real-world experience, Saint Leo courses are paired with a convenient learning environment that is backed by years of experience in delivering online programs.
- Expert support professionals are accessible when you need them most with the academic resources and student services to help you succeed.
- Our online degree programs are grounded in our 125-year tradition of academic excellence and guided by our Catholic core values.
- Gain relevant knowledge. Advance your career. Enhance your life in a changing, fast-paced world through higher education.
Our professors hold advanced degrees, devote themselves to the art of teaching, and invest in your development. We understand what is most effective in online learning, and are always finding new ways to help you reach your goals.
Grading and Response Expectations
Teach and facilitate the course by
- responding to all student communication within 48 hours
- logging into the course within the first 3 days of the session
- logging into the course at least 3 days a week, with no period of absence of 72 hours or longer
- posting substantive responses in graded discussions at least 3 times per week
- notifying the appropriate University officials and students in the case of an emergency that might prevent them from meeting these participation requirements
Assess student learning by
- assigning grades that accurately reflect the standards set out in the syllabus and/or grading rubrics
- providing substantial feedback in a timely manner (within 72 hours for shorter assignments) to each student in the course for assignments that contribute to the final grade of the course
- keeping the gradebook current and include zeroes for work not submitted
- completing required course assessment activities related to college-wide assessment
Student Services 5 CCR §71810 (b)(12)
Student Affairs is charged with providing guidance, support services, and a variety of intentional and purposeful programs/activities intended to complement the academic pursuits of students and to promote a students' development. Throughout the Division of Student Affairs and Campus Operations, you will encounter caring professionals who are not only trained and skilled in their own specialties but are professional educators dedicated to assisting students in developing to their full potential.
- Accessibility Services
- Campus Security & Safety
- Career Services
- Center for Academic Vision & Excellence (CAVE)
- Counseling Services
- Dining Services
- Employer Relations
- First Year Experience
- Lions Care
- Meal Plans
- Office of Military Affairs and Services
- Orientation
- Residence Life
- Student Affairs
- Student Life
- Student Success
Residence Life 5 CCR §71810 (b) 13(a), (b), & (c)
Saint Leo University does not offer dormitory facilities in California. Housing within 5 miles of the institution can be found to cost between $1050-$3152 a month for a 1 bedroom apartment.
The institution has no responsibility to find or assist students in finding housing.
External Complaint Procedures 5 CCR §71810 (b)(14)
Students should attempt to resolve complaints with the university itself. Applicable university policies usually describe the appropriate procedures such as contacting your academic advisor or dean. Policies can be found in the Code of Conduct. Should a student file a complaint with a state or accrediting body, the student will not be subjected to adverse actions by any school official as a result of initiating a complaint.
Under U.S. Department of Education regulations, each state is required to have a process to handle complaints for all institutions in the State, except certain Federally-run institutions and tribal institutions such as tribally controlled community colleges. For purposes of HEA eligibility under these regulations, the State remains responsible for responding to complaints about institutions in the State regardless of what body or entity actually manages complaints.
For California, contact the Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education (of California) :
Complaints related to the university's regional accreditation should be referred following the procedures found at
Any questions a student may have regarding this catalog that have not been satisfactorily answered by the institution may be directed to:
The Bureau for Private Postsecondary Education
P.O. Box 980818
West Sacramento, CA 95798-0818
Toll-free telephone number (888) 370-7589 or by fax (916) 263-1897
Student Records 5 CCR §71810 (b)(15)
Saint Leo University has written procedures for protecting the privacy of students enrolled in distance and correspondence education courses or programs. This policy is designed to meet requirements outlined by the Family Educational Rights and Policies Act (FERPA) and applies to all students, including distance and correspondence students.
Educational Records
In accordance with FERPA, Saint Leo University allows access to student educational records to all university officials who have a legitimate educational need. The university does not disclose or allow access to any information from student educational records outside the university except to:
- officials of another institution in which the student intends to enroll
- authorized representatives of the Comptroller General of the United States, the Secretary of the Department of Education for the United States, or state and local educational authorities
- determine eligibility or for enforcement of financial aid programs
- state agencies which require disclosure under state laws existing before November 19,1974
- organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the university
- accrediting organizations to carry out their functions
- parents of a dependent student, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954
- comply with a judicial order or lawful subpoena
- appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency
- directory information as designated by the university
- as otherwise allowed by law
- when the student has provided written consent
For all outside disclosures of information that are made without the written consent of the student, the university maintains a record of the name of the party who obtained the information and the legitimate interest that the person had in obtaining the information.
The university has designated the following as directory information: student name, address, telephone number, date and place of birth, major, minor, dates of attendance, degrees, awards and honors received, the most recent educational institution attended, participation in recognized activities, and height and weight of members of athletic teams. As stated above, directory information may be released without the student's prior written consent unless the student has requested that directory information be withheld by completing a Request to Withhold Directory Information Form (See attached document Request to Withhold Directory Information Form), which may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar. The request will remain on file until withdrawn by the student.
Students have access to their own academic record via eLion, the online student information system, and can sign a release form (See attached document FERPA Release Form) making the information available to a specified person or agency. Students are notified of their rights under the act by accessing the FERPA information on eLion (See attached document FERPA Information in eLion). Students have the right to inspect and review information contained in their educational records, to challenge the contents of their educational records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is not satisfactory, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if the decision of the hearing is unsatisfactory. Students wishing to review their educational records must make written requests to the registrar listing the items of interest. The records will be provided within 30 days of the request. Students may request that copies be made of their records, with charges being assessed at the prevailing rate set by the registrar.
Educational records do not include records of instructional, administrative, and staff personnel, which are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual, records of the security department as they pertain to law enforcement, student health or psychological records, and employment records or alumni records that do not relate to the person as a student. A licensed physician selected by the student may review health records. In addition, students do not have the right to inspect or review the financial information submitted by their parents, confidential letters and recommendations to which the right of inspection has been waived, and educational records containing information about more than one student, in which case students will be permitted access only to the parts of the record that pertain to them.
Academic Records
All official grade reports are available on the University's online student information system, known as eLion.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), is a federal law which requires that the University maintain the confidentiality of students' educational records and establish a policy for annually notifying students of their rights under the law and how they may exercise those rights.
The Office of the Registrar maintains all student academic records and are retained permanently. Guidelines for the safeguarding of student records are in accordance with the established principles published by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admission Officers, and the State of Florida, General Records Schedule (R. 1B-24.003(1)(e), Florida Administrative Code). Student academic records are maintained in the student information system, known as Colleague, and paper copies are stored electronically in digital image format in the university's document management system, known as SoftDocs, and on CD-ROM.
Student academic records are entered into the university's student information system (Colleague) upon application to the university. A transfer evaluation is completed by the Registrar's office and all documents are scanned and stored in the document management system, SoftDocs Imaging. Once scanned, all hard copy documents are shredded.
Access to student records in Colleague is limited to authorized personnel with secure passwords and access to data relevant to their jobs. As new employees are hired, they are required to complete a FERPA tutorial and test prior to being given a login and password to the student system. All users of Colleague with access to student records must agree to the following confidentiality statements relating to FERPA and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) every time they log into the system.
All disability information is filed by student name in paper format maintained in a secure location in the Office of Disability Services. The file contains all documentation, correspondence, and subsequent decisions about accommodations. Due the sensitivity of these files, disability information is NOT stored in any Center office, in Colleague, in the Office of Admissions, or any other office at Saint Leo. Files are reviewed each year and those that are no longer needed are stored in a separate file and kept for seven years.
Degree Programs Offered in California Ed. Code §94909(a)(5)
Descriptions of the programs offered and a description of the instruction provided in each of the courses offered by Saint Leo University.
To include requirements for completion of each program, including required courses, any final tests or examinations, any required internships or externships, and the total number of credit hours, clock hours, or other increments required for completion.
Associate of Arts
The Associate of Arts in Business Administration provides a foundation for a business career or for further study in the business field. Students will get the proper training and skills to step into a wide variety of careers, including accounting, advertising, sales and human resources. Students will build core business knowledge that they can take with them to any future job. They will also develop an understanding of the opportunities and challenges of doing business in the 21st century, especially on an international scale. Students will learn about cultural differences and ethical issues impact management decisions.
The Associate of Arts in Criminal Justice provides a foundation for a career or for future study in the field of criminal justice. Students will learn the fundamentals of law enforcement, including investigation procedures and the court system. The latest techniques pertaining to crime scene investigations, interrogation, non-verbal communication, hostage negotiation, and international sex and organ trafficking.
The Associate of Arts degree is a broad, liberal-arts-based degree program that lays the foundation for critical and independent thinking, and for further study in a variety of disciplines. Provides students with ability to make connections across broad fields of study. Students will learn how to think creatively and critically, learn the nuances of human behavior, and understand the cultural values driving societies. Students will take a common core of courses in the social and natural sciences, humanities, fine arts, religion and philosophy. As a liberal arts student at Saint Leo, you will deepen your capacity for critical thinking, problem solving and creativity and learn to participate effectively in the global community.
Bachelor of Arts
The Bachelor of Arts in Accounting is designed to prepare a university graduate for entry-level accounting positions in profit, not-for-profit, and governmental environments. The program establishes a foundation for students who wish to continue their education to become a certified public accountant (CPA) or certified management accountant (CMA). A CPA holds a state license to practice public accounting in a particular state. State licensing requirements differ as to education, residency, and experience requirements. Some states have adopted the 120-hour rule for the number of academic credits required to sit for the CPA exam, while others require 150 hours. Students planning on taking the CPA examination should contact the state board of accountancy in the state where they plan to take the certification examination for eligibility requirements.
The Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration program, offered only through Worldwide, is designed for students entering the business world in almost any type of organization. The student selects a specialization from among the following: accounting, logistics, management, marketing, project management, or technology management, with specializations in:
- Logistics - Designed to provide students an understanding in the management of how materials and finished goods are delivered to where they are needed, in a timely, cost-efficient manner. Logistics can mean the difference between earning and losing corporate profits, and even between winning or losing a war. Students take 30 hours of intensive logistics courses in addition to a core of foundational business classes. Study logistics processes in both civilian and military organizations, examining cargo transportation, electronic order processing, distribution, purchasing, warehousing, quality management and improvement, and the estimation of production and ordering quantities.
- Management - Students will prepare to be business leaders or skills needed to manage or own their own company. Students will learn how to transform their entrepreneurial vision into a comprehensive business plan with a focus on the ethical implications of managerial decisions. Studying key issues facing business managers, students will learn how to apply skills in any size organization—large or small, public or private, profit or nonprofit.
- Marketing - Students will develop an understanding of marketing concepts and functions, as well as the processes used to anticipate and satisfy customers' product needs and wants. Students planning a career in sales, advertising, consumer relations, marketing management, retailing services, small business operations, or international business will learn the skills needed to succeed through curriculum covering advertising management, personal selling, market research, consumer behavior, essential business skills, international business, and entrepreneurship. Students will learn how to use and apply analytical tools and technologies necessary to solve complex business problems.
- Technology Management - Prepares students to guide organizations to the right solutions in a wide spectrum of careers that bridge technology and business. Students will learn to leverage technology to improve business performance and maximize competitive advantage in the 21st century global market. Students will gain marketable skills in key management areas, including project management, business strategy, human resources, and entrepreneurship.
The Criminal Justice, B.A. program is based on the input of a diverse criminal justice advisory board that is designed to prepare students for careers and rapid advancement in the criminal justice system and related fields. This program of study will enhance the effectiveness of working professionals, provide a foundation for advancement to administrative levels, and prepare students for graduate study in criminal justice administration and related fields. Field placements are available to all students who do not have prior criminal-justice-related professional experience. Placements and possible future employment opportunities with agencies such as the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, U.S. Capital Police, U.S. Border Patrol, U.S. Secret Service, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Drug Enforcement Administration, U.S. Marshals Service, Naval Criminal Investigative Service, Federal Bureau of Investigation, U.S. District Court, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and a variety of local law enforcement agencies and private security firms may be able to provide practical experience for those who are not yet working professionals. The program specializations in:
- Criminalistics - Students will be trained in crime scene investigation and forensic science to process. Students will learn how to process evidence like DNA, fingerprints and bullets, help identify suspects and reconstruct the events of a crime. Students will learn the latest techniques used in crime scene investigations. Students will develop expert knowledge on crime scene processing, fingerprint analysis, evidence preservation and blood stain interpretation, while building job-ready skills in scientific writing and courtroom testimony.
- Homeland Security - Students will train to divert the next terrorist attack, respond to natural disasters and keep America secure—in cyberspace, at the country's borders, and by air, land and sea. Students will prepare to become experts on international and domestic terrorism, weapons of mass destruction, law enforcement ethics and law, and Middle Eastern political, religious and economic forces.
Bachelor of Science Degree
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program emphasizes providing a solid foundation in the discipline of Computer Science, which students can apply either in the Information Technology workforce sector or use as a basis for graduate study. Students will focus on challenges that require creative technology solutions, learn how to guide organizations to the right solutions, strategize and implement technologies that help a company meet its goals, ensuring information integrity through secure networks, internet operations and computer applications. Students will focus on computer applications in business organizations, learn to solve real-life problems involving the design, development, support and management of hardware, software, multimedia and systems integration services. Students will practice computer techniques in a stimulating classroom environment that uses the latest state-of-the-art tools and technology to gain marketable skills in programming, project management, information security, internet applications, and systems analysis. Students will experience forward-thinking curriculum that has been developed based on recommendations of IEEE and ACM, two leading standards-making organizations in educational and scientific computing.
The Bachelor of Science in Health Care Administration program is designed for students who plan administrative careers in health services organizations. Students will prepare for their future career in health care through a curriculum highly tuned to today's industry standards and directed toward tomorrow's growth areas. Students will take classes in health care management, law, financing, policy analysis and information technology—often with an international perspective. Students will be exposed to the challenges and opportunities professionals encounter in the health care environment. Students will be prepared for careers in Health Care Management Practitioner, Health Care Administrator, Clinical Manager, Consultant, Health Insurance Professional, Health Information Manager, Public Health Advocate, Managed Care Analyst, and/or Hospital Director of Admitting.