[ ARCHIVED CATALOG ] 2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
[ ARCHIVED CATALOG ] 2023-2024 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

The University

Saint Leo University welcomes and embraces in the Catholic Benedictine tradition individuals of all faiths. The university seeks balanced growth in mind, body, and spirit for all members of our community. Our community recognizes the dignity, value, and gifts of all. At Saint Leo, learning is of prime importance, and we work to meet the evolving needs of our communities and the world around us. The university offers professional degree and certificate programs in science, health sciences, business, education, social work, social sciences, and humanities. We are foundationally an agile liberal arts university that believes teaching and scholarship work together to bring innovation into the classroom. Saint Leo University offers a practical and effective student-centered model. The university creates a transformative education where we promote and build equity, inclusion, and justice among diverse people and cultures.

Mission Statement

Saint Leo is an inventive global Catholic liberal arts university that fosters a personal and inclusive community which educates, prepares, and develops students for success, and consists of diverse learners who boldly confront the challenges of our world through service to others.

Values Statements

Excellence—Saint Leo University is an educational enterprise. All of us, individually and collectively, work hard to ensure that our students develop the character, learn the skills, and assimilate the knowledge essential to become morally responsible leaders. The success of our University depends upon a conscientious commitment to our mission, vision, and goals.

Community—Saint Leo University develops hospitable Christian learning communities everywhere we serve. We foster a spirit of belonging, unity, and interdependence based on mutual trust and respect to create socially responsible environments that challenge all of us to listen, to learn, to change, and to serve.

Respect—Animated in the spirit of Jesus Christ, we value all individuals' unique talents, respect their dignity, and strive to foster their commitment to excellence in our work. Our community's strength depends on the unity and diversity of our people, on the free exchange of ideas, and on learning, living, and working harmoniously.

Personal Development—Saint Leo University stresses the development of every person's mind, spirit, and body for a balanced life. All members of the Saint Leo University community must demonstrate their commitment to personal development to help strengthen the character of our community.

Responsible Stewardship—Our Creator blesses us with an abundance of resources. We foster a spirit of service to employ our resources for University and community development. We must be resourceful. We must optimize and apply all of the resources of our community to fulfill Saint Leo University's mission and goals.

Integrity—The commitment of Saint Leo University to excellence demands that its members live its mission and deliver on its promise. The faculty, staff, and students pledge to be honest, just, and consistent in word and deed.

Catholic Identity Statement

Saint Leo University is a community rooted in the Catholic faith and in the spirit of our Benedictine founders. As a Catholic institution of higher learning, Saint Leo University supports what Ex Corde Ecclesiae terms the four essential characteristics of a Catholic University:

  • Christian inspiration.
  • Faith reflection.
  • Fidelity to the Christian message.
  • Service to church and humanity.

Saint Leo's identity is an outgrowth of Catholic social teaching, which insists that human institutions and relationships be based on a recognition of the dignity of all human beings and demands social and economic justice for all; and the Catholic intellectual tradition, which celebrates the compatibility of faith and reason which means that the university welcomes an open and free dialogue among persons of differing religious and intellectual traditions.

Commitment to Academic Excellence

Academic excellence is an achievement of balance and growth in mind, body, and spirit that develops a more effective and creative culture for students, faculty, and staff. It promotes integrity, honesty, personal responsibility, fairness, and collaboration at all levels of the university. At the level of the university, excellence means offering courses of study in varied intellectual and practical disciplines which successfully encourage students to grow in understanding, skills, and virtue through a supportive learning environment that fosters student success. At the level of faculty, staff, and administration, excellence means establishing a community which is highly proficient in all the tasks associated with teaching, working, and living well together. At the level of students, excellence means achieving mastery of the specific intellectual content, critical thinking, and practical skills that develop reflective, globally conscious, and informed citizens ready to meet the challenges of a complex world. Academic excellence is clearly reflected in the university's assessment of its curriculum, development of its faculty, and execution of its policies, procedures, and practices.

History of the University

Saint Leo University is a Catholic, coeducational liberal arts university offering the associate, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees.

The University was chartered on June 4, 1889, when the Florida legislature authorized the Order of Saint Benedict of Florida to "have and possess the right and power of conferring the usual academic and other degrees granted by any college in this state." Saint Leo University was the first Catholic college in Florida and opened with the dedication of its main building on September 14, 1890.

Established initially by monks from Saint Vincent Archabbey in Latrobe, Pennsylvania, the Benedictine mission in what was formerly called the "Catholic Colony of San Antonio, FL." was transferred to the jurisdiction of Mary Help of Christians Abbey (now called Belmont) in North Carolina in 1888. Saint Leo University and Abbey are named for their first abbot, Leo Haid, the principal founder and first president of the University.

There were 32 students in the pioneer year of 1890-1891. The basic curriculum was a mix of liberal arts and commercial courses leading to the degree of Master of Accounts. Periodically, the University went through a military phase, with uniforms and required drilling, to instill discipline and order. The first Master of Accounts degrees were conferred on the pioneer graduating class of five students on June 20, 1893.

In 1920 the college was phased out as the faculty decided to focus on becoming what one longtime Benedictine called "a serious English-style prep school." It was accredited by the Southern Educational Association in 1921. After a variety of name changes (including Saint Leo Academy and Benedictine High School), the institution settled on Saint Leo College Preparatory School in 1929 and continued as such until 1964.

Reaching for a larger mission, Saint Leo opened as a college again in 1959. Its efforts were assisted by the neighboring community of Benedictine sisters at Holy Name Priory. Operating first on the associate level, the college moved quickly to a four-year program and began to again confer bachelor's degrees on April 23, 1967. It was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools on November 29, 1967, retroactive to include the charter bachelor of arts class. In 1969 the University was reorganized when the Order of Saint Benedict of Florida transferred title and control to an independent board of trustees.

In a noteworthy broadening of its purpose, which echoed its military roots, Saint Leo responded in 1974 to requests from the armed services to offer degree programs on military bases. In 1994 the University further expanded its service to working adults as it responded to the needs of Florida residents by taking its degree programs to the campuses of community colleges. More recently, in 1998, Saint Leo began offering degree programs via the Internet.

In December 1994, the University was accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Universities to offer the master's degree, retroactive to January 1, 1994. In August 1999, Saint Leo College changed its name to Saint Leo University. The eleventh change in the institution's name recognizes the broad reach of Saint Leo today.

Accreditation and Affiliation Statement

Saint Leo University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges (SACSCOC) to award associate, baccalaureate, masters, specialist, and doctoral degrees. Saint Leo University also may offer credentials such as certificates and diplomas at approved degree levels. Questions about the accreditation of Saint Leo University may be directed in writing to the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, GA 30033-4097, by calling (404) 679-4500, or by using information available on SACSCOC's website (www.sacscoc.org). SACSCOC Status Update: https://www.saintleo.edu/about/status-update

Saint Leo University has received specialized accreditation for its business programs through ACBSP. ACBSP—located in Overland Park, Kansas— promotes continuous improvement and recognizes excellence in the accreditation of business education programs around the world. Its philosophy of accreditation is centered on institutional leadership, strategic planning processes, relationships with the community, quality of academic programs, faculty credentials and services, and educational support.

The following programs at Saint Leo University's Tapia College of Business are accredited by ACBSP: Associate of Arts: Business Administration, (AA.BA), Business Administration: Logistics (BA.BUSAD.LOG), Business Administration: Management (BA.BUSAD.MGT), Business Administration: Marketing (BA.BUSAD.MKT), Business Administration: Project Management (BA.BUSAD.PM), Business Administration: Technology Management (BA.BUSAD.TEC), Accounting (BS.ACC), Communication (BA.CMS), Human Resource Management (BA.HRA),  Management (BA.MGT), Marketing (BA.MKT), Sport Business (BA.SPB), Computer Information System (BS.CIS), Master of Business Administration (MBA), MBA: Accounting Concentration, MBA: Health Care Management Concentration, MBA: Human Resource Management Concentration, MBA: Cybersecurity Management Concentration, MBA: Marketing Concentration, MBA: Project Management Concentration, and MBA: Sport Business Concentration.

The Bachelor of Science Nursing program in the College of Health Professions is approved by the State of Florida Board of Nursing. Address: 4052 Bald Cypress Way, Tallahassee, FL 32399; telephone 850/245-4111.

Saint Leo University's bachelor's and master's degree programs in social work are accredited by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). Saint Leo University has Teacher Education Programs approval by the State of Florida Department of Education. Saint Leo University holds membership in the American Council on Education (ACE), the Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges, Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF), the American Association of Adult and Continuing Education, the National Collegiate Honor Society, the National Association of Independent Colleges and Universities, the University Continuing Education Association (UCEA), the National Association of Institutions for Military Education Services (NAIMES), Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges, the National Catholic Education Association, and the Association of Catholic Colleges and Universities.

Saint Leo University is Authorized to operate in the state of Georgia by the Georgia Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission. Address: 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, GA 30084-5305; telephone 770/414-3300.

Academic Organization and Locations

The Saint Leo University academic degree programs are organized under the Division for Academic Affairs, Vice President for Academic Affairs.  Four Deans for the Tapia College of Business, College of Arts, Sciences, and Allied Services, the College of Health Professions, and the School of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science (CARDS), along with the Directors of Graduate Programs, the Registrar Office, Learning Design, and Library Services, report to the Vice President for Academic Affairs.

Saint Leo University's central campus is University Campus, located in Saint Leo, Florida, and serves traditional-age students.

The Online Learning Center provides adults an opportunity to earn associate and bachelor's degrees completely online.

Degree programs are offered to adult students at the following regional Education Centers:


Center for Adult Learning at University Campus

*Hernando County School District
          *Pasco County Sheriff's Office


Key West Education Center

Tampa Education Center 

MacDill AFB Education Office


Savannah Education Center


These education centers may offer programs through both live instruction and Internet-based learning opportunities at times and locations convenient to adults. In addition to classes at each site, many Centers also offer instruction in affiliated teaching locations. See Campuses, Centers, and Degree Programs for a breakdown of programs and degrees offered at each center, and see Directory for Correspondence for a directory of address, telephone, and e-mail information.


College of Arts, Sciences and Allied Services

Associate of Arts

Criminal Justice

Associate of Arts

Bachelor of Arts


Command Office Management School


Bachelor of Arts


Other Programs

Interdisciplinary Studies

Bachelor of Arts


Language Studies and the Arts (University Campus Only)

Bachelor of Arts


Natural and Applied Sciences (University Campus Only)

Bachelor of Science


Philosophy and Religion

Bachelor of Arts


Social Sciences

Bachelor of Arts


Tapia College of Business

Accounting, Economics and Finance

Bachelor of Science


Communication and Marketing

Bachelor of Arts


Management and Business Administration

Associate of Arts

Bachelor of Arts


Sport Business

Bachelor of Arts


College of Health Professions


Bachelor of Science

Bachelor of Social Work


School of Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Data Science 

Computer Science and Information Systems

Associate of Arts

Bachelor of Science


Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Data Science

Bachelor of Science


Bachelor of Science


Saint Leo University > Programs Requirements


For more information on Graduate Degree programs, please see Graduate Degree Programs

Academic Freedom Policy for Students

Academic freedom is the right of reasonable exercise of civil liberties and responsibilities in an academic setting.

It is the policy of Saint Leo University to give its students the freedom, within the bounds of collegial behavior, to pursue what seems to them productive avenues of inquiry, to learn unhindered by external or nonacademic constraints, and to engage in full and unrestricted consideration of any opinion. All members of the University must recognize this fundamental principle and must share responsibility for supporting, safeguarding, and preserving this freedom.

In order to preserve the rights and freedoms of the students, the University has a formal process for adjudication of student grievances and cases of violations of the Academic Honor Code.

Academic Honor Code

Saint Leo University holds all students to the highest standards of honesty and personal integrity in every phase of their academic life.  All students have a responsibility to uphold the Academic Honor Code by refraining from any form of academic misconduct, presenting only work that is genuinely their own, and reporting any observed instance of academic dishonesty to a faculty member.

Academic misconduct includes but is not limited to the following categories:

 A. Cheating:

  • Providing or receiving academic work to or from another student without the permission of the instructor/professor.
  • Buying or selling academic work.
  • Violating test conditions.
  • Forging academic documents.
  • Copying computer programs.

 B. Plagiarism:

  • Stealing and passing off the ideas and words of another as one's own or using the work of another without crediting the source whether that source is authored by a professional or a peer.
  • Submitting an article or quoted material from a periodical or the internet as one's own.
  • Retyping or re-titling another student's paper and handing it in as one's own.
  • Intentionally or unintentionally failing to cite a source.

 C. Artificial Intelligence (AI):

  • Use of AI-powered tools or services on exams, tests, quizzes, discussion posts, papers, projects, or other assignments, without the permission of the instructor/professor.

 D. Complicity:

  • Helping another student commit an act of academic dishonesty.

 E. Misrepresentation:

  • Resubmitting previous work, in whole or in part, for a current assignment without the written consent of the current instructor(s).
  • Having another student complete one's own assignments, quizzes, or exams.
  • Lying to a professor.
  • Fabricating a source.


It is the responsibility of every member of the faculty and student body to cooperate in supporting the honor system. Any member of the University community suspecting an Academic Honor Code violation should immediately refer the matter directly to the faculty member teaching the course in which the possible violation took place. For any suspected violation that occurs within a course, the faculty member must discuss the evidence in private with the student and tell the student to continue in the class. If, during the course of an Academic Honor Code violation investigation, the committee determines that other violations of the Academic Honor Code have potentially occurred, the committee may pursue investigating the new violations.

All faculty teaching courses at University Campus, any education center, and online including Center for Online Learning, Distance Learning, and Graduate Programs must follow the procedure below to report either an in-class sanction or to request a hearing.


Faculty must report any in-class sanction issued to a student using the Academic Honor Code Reporting System in eLion. Sanctions should be levied according to the seriousness of the offense. An instructor may issue an in-class sanction of either 1) assigning a zero for the assignment or 2) allowing a resubmission of the assignment with a reduced grade. An instructor may not issue an F for the course. If the instructor believes the violation warrants a sanction of failure for the course, the appropriate Academic Standards Committee will hold a hearing.

The student will have the opportunity to appeal the allegation and/or the in-class sanction within 5 days of receipt of the notification. If the student appeals the allegation and/or sanction, a hearing will be scheduled with the appropriate Academic Standards Committee.

Once a faculty member submits the report to the Academic Honor Code Reporting System, the system will automatically send a notice to the student, the faculty member and the Registrar. If a submission to the Online Academic Honor Code Reporting System results in a second offense for a student, the appropriate Academic Standards Committee will be notified and a hearing will be scheduled.

If the instructor of record would prefer to have the committee hear the case instead of imposing an in-class sanction, a request for a hearing must be submitted using the Online Academic Honor Code Reporting System in eLion.

Upon receipt of the faculty member's report, the Academic Standards Committee or an ad hoc committee appointed by the Center Director will schedule a hearing and inform the student, in writing, of the date and time of the hearing and include a copy of the faculty member's report. A student cannot avoid a sanction by withdrawing from the course and is not permitted to withdraw from a course while the allegation is under investigation. The Committee will hold the hearing whether or not the student chooses to attend. After reviewing the evidence, the Committee will render a decision on the charge and determine any sanctions that are appropriate.

The student may bring an approved representative (faculty member, advisor or administrator) to attend the hearing. This person is not allowed to address the committee but may assist the student.  Legal counsel is not permitted to be present during the hearing. 

The student may appeal the Committee's decision to the Office Academic Affairs within 5 days of receipt of the notification of the official report, who may issue an appellate decision on behalf of the University. The final authority rests with the Office of Academic Affairs.


The sanction for a first violation of the Academic Honor Code could range from zero for the assignment to dismissal from the university, depending on the nature of the violation, but the usual sanction is failure of the course. The minimum sanction for a subsequent offense is failure of the course, but the usual sanction is suspension or dismissal from the university.

For additional information, faculty members should contact either the Committee Chair or the appropriate Center or OL Director/Assistant Director.

Appellate Process

One of the five key elements of Saint Leo University's mission statement is a commitment to practice a student-centered philosophy of service. The University's objective is to courteously and consistently respond to students' questions and appeals in a timely manner.

Generally, the most effective resolution of a student's question will come from the University administrator or staff member most directly involved in the area of the student's concern. Thus, the first step in answering the student's question is to contact the appropriate office and individual. A departmental listing of individuals to contact regarding specific concerns may be obtained in the School offices, Education Center offices, the Division of Student Affairs, or the Office of Finance and Accounting. Students attending Education Centers make their initial contact with their Student Advisor or the Center Director, who will provide any needed coordination with the Assistant/Associate Vice President and/or University Campus offices.

The University's first objective is to accommodate a student's request if so doing does not violate University policy or undermine academic or disciplinary standards. If this is not possible, the next objective is to provide the student enough information so that the student understands the reason for the decision. If the student wishes to appeal the decision, the student must do so in writing to the next level of appeal as shown on the departmental listing.

Appeals that are not resolved or explained to the student's satisfaction after the initial appeal(s) must be appealed in writing (via Email to academic.appeals@saintleo.edu) to the Division of the Vice President of Academic Affairs (or their designee) in each area within 15 days of the last contact with a University employee. The Vice President of Academic Affairs (or their designee) will review the student's appeal and render a final decision in writing within 10 days.

Should a student file a complaint with a state or accrediting body, the student will not be subjected to adverse actions by any school official as a result of initiating a complaint.

Grade Point Average

The grade point average (GPA) is determined by first multiplying the credit hours attempted by the quality points earned and then dividing the total quality points earned by the total hours attempted. For example:

Course Hours Attempted Grade Quality Points Total Quality Points
FAS 101 3 A (4.00) 12.00 (3 × 4)
SPA 111 3 B- (2.67) 8.01 (3 × 2.67)
CHE 121 3 D (1.00) 3.00 (3 × 1)
HTY 121 3 F (0.00) 0.00 (3 × 0)
ENG 121 3 C+ (2.33) 6.99 (3 × 2.33)
  15     30.00  

Grade Point Average: 30.00/15 = 2.0 GPA.

Note: Quality points are awarded only for courses taken in residence.

Grade Changes

A grade may be changed only by the faculty member administering the course. Changes in grades are permitted only when a computational or input error has been made. A grade change will not be made when a student turns in missing or late work after the last day of the semester/term unless an Incomplete was arranged. When a student elects to appeal a course grade that he or she believes to be improper, the student shall notify the course instructor within thirty (30) calendar days from the date that the grade is recorded. All grades are final three months after they are posted unless a grade appeal, as determined by the appropriate College Dean or Division for Academic Affairs, is still in process.

Grade Appeal Procedures

The following procedures shall be adhered to reference grade appeals:

  1. When a student elects to appeal a course grade that he or she believes to be improper, the student shall notify the course instructor within thirty (30) days from the date that the grade is recorded. If the issue is not resolved between the student and the instructor, the student may proceed to the next step.
  2. The appeal must be submitted in writing to the instructor's Dean for a University Campus student, or to the Center Director or Graduate Director for an off-campus, online student, or graduate student. The written appeal shall include all originals or copies of the work upon which the grade was based, a syllabus for the course, and a listing of all materials that were to have been graded for the course. The written appeal must also include the course grade the student believes he or she earned and the basis for such beli
  3. Upon receipt of the written appeal and corresponding materials upon which the grade was based, the following action will be taken:
    1. for appeals filed by University Campus students, the instructor's Dean will assign a full-time faculty member in the appropriate discipline to conduct an assessment of the appeal.
    2. for appeals filed by off-campus and online students, the student's Center Director will forward the appeal packet to the University Campus Dean who is responsible for the course discipline. The Dean will handle the appeal as noted in sub-section a above.
  4. A full-time faculty member will conduct a thorough assessment of the appeal, including communication with the student if deemed necessary. The list of all materials that were to have been graded for the course must be submitted to the original faculty member for review. If the reviewing faculty member determines there is clear and convincing evidence to support a grade change, the recommendation will be forwarded to the Division for Academic Affairs. Although the student filed the appeal for the purpose of being awarded a higher grade, the reviewing faculty member could determine that the instructor's original grade was in fact liberal; therefore, the recommendation would be to lower the grade. Should the reviewing faculty member find no clear and convincing evidence to support a grade change, he or she will forward the finding to the Dean, who will in turn notify the student in writing with copies to the Division for Academic Affairs and the Dean or Center Director who initiated the faculty review.
  5. Upon receipt of a recommendation for a grade change from a reviewing faculty member, the Division for Academic Affairs will evaluate the recommendation and make a final determination concerning the student's grade. The student and the instructor will be notified in writing. Once a final decision has been made at this level, the student shall not have any further appeals. Any change of grade will be initiated by the Division for Academic Affairs through the Registrar's office. All written grade appeals will be completed within sixty days from the date of receipt unless the Division for Academic Affairs grants an extension.
  6. In those cases where the reviewing faculty finds no evidence to justify a change in grade, the student may appeal to the Division for Academic Affairs. Upon reviewing the appeal and faculty review, the Division for Academic Affairs will make a final, non-appealable decision. The student and instructor will be notified of the decision in writing.
  7. All grades are final three months after they are posted unless a grade appeal, as determined by the appropriate College Dean or the Division for Academic Affairs, is still in process.

Academic Suspension Appeal Process

Academic Suspension is the result of sub-standard academic performance or violation of academic regulations. Academic suspension is a difficult but necessary process that allows students time to re-evaluate their level of commitment toward earning a degree, and to come back stronger, after having taken time off from their studies.

Students have the opportunity to appeal the suspension. Suspension appeals must be Emailed to the Division for Academic Affairs at academic.appeals@saintleo.edu

As a minimum, the written appeals should include:

  • What circumstances or actions led to the suspension
  • What actions were taken during the suspension period to improve academic standing
  • Why the student believes these actions were sufficient
  • Any additional information the student feels supports their argument

Appeals for off-campus students:

Education Center students: Center Directors will assist students and forward the appeal packet to the Division for Academic Affairs via email to: academic.appeals@saintleo.edu

Online Students:  A representative from WorldWide Student Success or the student's Student Success Coach will assist students and forward the appeal packet to the Division for Academic Affairs via email to: academic.appeals@saintleo.edu

The Division for Academic Affairs will review the student's appeal and render a final, non-appealable decision in writing within 10 days. The student will be notified of the decision in writing.

Grade Reports and Permanent Records

All official grade reports are available on the University's online student information system, known as eLion.

Permanent academic records of all students are maintained by the Registrar. Disciplinary records of are maintained by the Division of Student Affairs. Disciplinary records of Graduate Program students are maintained by Graduate Programs.

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, as amended (FERPA), is a federal law which requires that the University maintain the confidentiality of students' educational records and establish a policy for annually notifying students of their rights under the law and how they may exercise those rights.

In accordance with FERPA, Saint Leo University allows access to a student's educational records to all University officials who have a legitimate educational interest in the student's records. The University does not disclose or allow access to any information from students' educational records to anyone outside the University except (a) to officials of another institution in which the student intends to enroll; (b) to authorized representatives of the comptroller general of the United States, the secretary of the United States, or state educational authorities; (c) to determine eligibility or for enforcement of financial aid programs; (d) to state agencies that require disclosure under state laws existing before November 19, 1974; (e) to organizations conducting certain studies for or on behalf of the University; (f) to accrediting organizations to carry out their functions; (g) to parents of a dependent student, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954; (h) to comply with a judicial order or lawful subpoena; (i) to appropriate parties in a health or safety emergency; (j) directory information as designated by the University; (k) as otherwise allowed by law; or (l) when the student has provided written consent.

For all outside disclosures of information that are made without the written consent of the student, the University maintains a record in the student's file of the name of the party who obtained the information and the legitimate interest that the person had in obtaining the information.

The University has designated the following as directory information: student name, address, telephone number, university assigned e-mail address, date and place of birth, major field of study, dates of attendance, degrees, awards and honors received, photographs, enrollment status (e.g. undergraduate or graduate; full-time or part-time), anticipated graduate date, the most recent educational institution attended, participation in recognized activities, and height and weight of members of athletic teams. As stated above, directory information may be released without the student's prior written consent unless the student has requested that directory information be withheld by completing a Request to Withhold Directory Information Form, which may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar. The request will remain on file until withdrawn by the student.

Students are notified of their rights under the act by accessing the FERPA information on the eLion online system. Students have the right to inspect and review information contained in their educational records, to challenge the contents of their educational records, to have a hearing if the outcome of the challenge is not satisfactory, and to submit explanatory statements for inclusion in their files if the decision of the hearing is unsatisfactory. Students wishing to review their educational records must make written requests to the Registrar listing the items of interest. The records will be provided within 30 days of the request. Students may request that copies be made of their records, with charges being assessed at the prevailing rate set by the Registrar.

Educational records do not include records of instructional, administrative, and staff personnel, which are the sole possession of the maker and are not accessible or revealed to any individual; records of the security department as they pertain to law enforcement; student health or psychological records; and employment records or alumni records that do not relate to the person as a student. A licensed physician selected by the student may review health records. In addition, students do not have the right to inspect or review the financial information submitted by their parents, confidential letters and recommendations to which the right of inspection has been waived, and educational records containing information about more than one student, in which case students will be permitted access only to the parts of the record that pertain to them.

Students who believe that their educational records as maintained by the University contain information that is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other rights may request that the Registrar amend the records. The Registrar will review the request and render a written decision within 30 days of the request. If the student's request is denied, the student may request a formal hearing in writing. The hearing panel will be designated by the Division for Academic Affairs and will schedule a hearing within 30 days of the student's request. The student will be provided with a reasonable notice of the date, place, and time of the hearing. At the hearing, the student may present evidence relevant to the issues and may be assisted by persons of his or her choice, including attorneys, but at his or her own expense. The decision of the hearing panel is final and will be based solely on the evidence presented at the hearing. The decision will include a summary of the evidence and the reasons for the decision and will be forwarded to the student and all interested parties. If the decision requires that the student's record be amended, the appropriate University official responsible for maintaining the record will correct the record. If the student is dissatisfied with the decision of the panel, he or she may place a statement in his or her educational record commenting on the information in the record. Such statement will be released whenever the record is disclosed.

External Complaint Procedures by State

Students should attempt to resolve complaints with the university itself. Applicable university policies usually describe the appropriate procedures such as contacting your academic advisor or dean. Student Grievances related policies and procedures may also be found in Saint Leo University Other University Policies and Procedures.  Should a student file a complaint with a state or accrediting body, the student will not be subjected to adverse actions by any school official as a result of initiating a complaint.

Filing a complaint with the State of Florida, another state, or an accrediting body does not excuse a student from following any applicable university policies for appeals or challenges to actions taken or toll any time frames for the filing of such internal appeals.

SARA Procedures for Complaints

Distance Education students, who have completed the internal institutional grievance process and the applicable state grievance process, may appeal non-instructional complaints to the Florida SARA PRDEC Council. For additional information on the complaint process, please visit the Florida SARA Complaint Process page (https://www.fldoe.org/sara/complaint-process.stml) or the website at https://www.flsara.org

State Procedures for Complaints


The Florida Department of Education (FDOE) serves as the single repository of education data from school districts, community colleges, universities, and independent postsecondary institutions. While the FDOE's Commission for Independent Education has statutory responsibilities in matters relating to nonpublic, postsecondary, educational institutions, Saint Leo University is not under the jurisdiction or purview of the Commission except as otherwise provided in law, and is not required to obtain licensure. See §1005.06, Florida Statutes. The FDOE Office of Articulation is the office available to assist students with complaints. For information on how to file a complaint with the Florida Department of Education, Office of Articulation, please call 850/245-0427 or send an email to articulation@fldoe.org.

In Other States

Information on the State of Florida and the University's accrediting bodies has been described above. For other states, students are also welcome to use the links provided below.

For California residents enrolled in a Saint Leo online program, contact the California Department of Consumer Affairs, Consumer Information Center: https://www.dca.ca.gov/consumers/complaints/oos_students.shtml

For Georgia, contact the Nonpublic Postsecondary Education Commission organized under the Georgia Department of Education. Address: 2082 East Exchange Place, Suite 220, Tucker, GA 30084-5305; telephone 770/414-3300.

For Mississippi, contact the Mississippi Commission on College Accreditation: http://www.mississippi.edu/mcca/downloads/studentcomplaintform.pdf

For South Carolina, contact the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education: https://www.che.sc.gov/sites/che/files/Documents/Institutions%20and%20Educators/Licensing/Complaint_Procedures_and_Form.pdf

Complaints related to the university's regional accreditation should be referred following the procedures found at http://www.sacscoc.org

Department of Veteran Affairs:

GI Bill® School Feedback Tool:  https://www.benefits.va.gov/GIBILL/Feedback.asp
GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). More information about education benefits offered by VA is available at the official U.S. government Web site at https://www.benefits.va.gov/gibill

If you have an issue or complaint about a school or training facility that's eligible to receive GI Bill® benefits, you can submit feedback to the Department of Veteran Affairs. You may submit a complaint if your school or employer is failing to follow the Principles of Excellence guidelines or if you have any other concerns or issues you'd like to raise.

Transcript Requests

Official Transcripts

The Registrar maintains student's academic records and provides all official transcripts. Requests must include the student's signature (required by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974).

The University will not provide a transcript of transfer credit until you have successfully completed course work at Saint Leo University. Students have a choice of ordering a transcript in paper form to be mailed or a secure digital transcript to be sent via email.

Students requesting transcripts must be financially cleared at the time the request is received by the Registrar for processing. California residents are exempt, in accordance with Assembly Bill 1313. If a student is clearing a financial obligation at the time of the request, clearance to release the transcript could take up to ten working days. If a student is financially cleared at the time the request is received, processing will be completed within two working days. The student is responsible for verifying financial clearance prior to submitting a transcript request.

Transcript requests may be held until degree conferral has been completed or current semester/term grades have been posted only if indicated on the request.

Ordering eTranscripts

Saint Leo University has authorized Parchment to manage the ordering, processing, and secure delivery of your official Saint Leo University transcript. This process provides:

  • Secure on-line access to request your transcript 24/7
  • Email notification when transcripts are processed and received
  • On-line tracking ability

It is the responsibility of the transcript requester to verify that the recipient will accept delivery of an Electronic PDF transcript before placing the order.

The link below will take you to the Saint Leo University Transcript ordering system where you will create your self-service account. The site will walk you through setting up your account for the first time and placing an order. The cost of an eTranscript is $10.00.

Order an eTranscript link:  http://www.parchment.com/u/registration/33155/account

Paper Transcripts

Paper transcripts will cost $15 per copy. There is a $32.00 additional fee for overnight delivery within the United States. For express delivery overseas there will be an additional fee based on the carrier's service rate for the country the transcript is being sent to. Overnight delivery is available Monday through Thursday. Normal processing is typically completed within two days.

Mail, Fax, or Email our transcript request form. Send requests along with a check, money order or credit card information. When using a credit card, the following information is required: name, card number, type of card, expiration date, 3 digit security code and signature.

Email to: transcripts@saintleo.edu

Fax to: (352) 588-8656

Mail to: Saint Leo University, Registrar
PO Box 6665, MC2278
Saint Leo, FL 33574-6665

Order Online at my.saintleo.edu Portal in eLion.

Request transcripts in Person at University Campus' Student Financial Services Center: 
To request a copy of your transcript in person you must complete and sign a transcript request form available in the Student Financial Support Center in St. Edward's Hall. The Student Financial Support Center hours are 8:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. daily.

Request a Transcript by Fax: Faxed requests must include: credit card information, social security number and a signature. The fax number is (352) 588-8656.

Unofficial Transcripts:
Current students may access an unofficial copy of their transcript by logging in to their eLion account. If you do not have an active eLion account then you must request an Official transcript and submit the processing fee.

Third Party Ordering:

Colleges, universities, or businesses who are requesting official Saint Leo University transcripts on behalf of a student may request transcripts electronically via Parchment. All third party requests must include a records release or consent form signed by the student (electronic and/or typed signatures are not accepted). The release must include the student's name, previous names, dates of attendance, date of birth, and last 4 digits of the SSN (optional).

To request a student's transcript, go to Parchment Third Party Ordering (https://www.parchment.com/u/registration/33155/institution)

New users should complete the requester information to create an account. Returning users should log in to their existing account.

To complete a Third Party Order: enter the Learner's (student's) information, select Order, then select Continue. Upload the signed records release form (this may be a Saint Leo University form, the Learner Consent form from Parchment, or another release/consent form, as long as it is signed by the student and provides the information listed above). Finally, provide payment information and submit the order.

When the transcript is ready, an email with download instructions will be sent to the requester email address. If an order cannot be fulfilled, an email notice will be sent to the requestor.
Third party transcript requests are sent as pdf eTranscripts and cost $10 per transcript. If an eTranscript cannot be accepted, please follow the instructions above to order a paper transcript.

Questions about transcripts? Email transcripts@saintleo.edu

Course Audit

Students sometimes choose to audit courses to expand their knowledge and enrich their education. Auditing students are expected to attend class regularly and to prepare all materials for the class. No tests or examinations are required, no credit is registered, and no grade is given.

Full-time students may register to audit a course only on a space-available basis during the add/drop period and only with the permission of the faculty member teaching the course. Part-time students or visitors may audit a course if space is available and if the faculty member approves. Veterans receiving VA educational training benefits are not eligible to audit courses. Visitors and part-time students are assessed an audit fee of $235 per course. Full-time University College students do not pay a fee for audited courses.

Academic Residence Requirements

To satisfy the academic residence requirements for a degree, students must complete a minimum of 25 percent of the total required credits for the degree program with Saint Leo University. Half of the residence requirement credits must be taken in the major coursework.

Students with a bachelor's degree awarded from another accredited institution must complete academic residence requirements and all other degree requirements. Students may not earn two bachelor's degrees unless the student fulfills the requirements of two majors for which two different types of bachelor's degrees are awarded, such as a bachelor of arts for a major in accounting and a bachelor of science for a major in biology.

Student Honor Societies

Alpha Kappa Delta is the International Sociology Honor Society.  The name, Alpha Kappa Delta, represents the first three letters of three Greek words: anthropon (mankind), katamanthanein (to investigate thoroughly or to conduct research) and diakonesein (for the purpose of service). Membership is open to all Saint Leo University students—regardless of location. Students who have an overall GPA of at least 3.3 and a Sociology GPA of at least 3.0 based on courses completed at Saint Leo University may be eligible for membership.

Alpha Mu Alpha is the national marketing honor society for qualified marketing students and marketing faculty. Since its inception in 1937, the American Marketing Association (AMA) has remained committed to the advancement of excellence in the field. It was this commitment that fostered the establishment of Alpha Mu Alpha in the spring of 1981. All marketing students who are members of the AMA and hold a minimum overall GPA of 3.25 are eligible.

Alpha Phi Sigma is the only national criminal justice honor society for criminal justice majors. The society recognizes academic excellence of undergraduate and graduate students of criminal justice regardless of location. Students who have an overall GPA of 3.2 and a Criminal Justice GPA of at least 3.2 may be eligible for membership. Alpha Phi Sigma was granted membership into the Association of College Honor Societies in 1980.

Beta Beta Beta is the national honor society for the biological sciences. The Saint Leo University chapter, Sigma Omega, was chartered in 2003. The society is dedicated to improving the understanding and appreciation of biological study and extending the boundaries of human knowledge through scientific research. Members pledge themselves to promote scholarship in the biological sciences, to promote the dissemination of biological knowledge, and to encourage research. Since its founding in 1922, more than 175,000 individuals have been accepted into lifetime membership in the society, and more than 430 chapters have been established throughout the United States and Puerto Rico. Individuals seeking undergraduate membership in the society must be majors in the biological sciences; are normally at least in the second semester of their sophomore year; have completed at least three courses in the biological sciences, at least one of which is beyond the introductory level; and have maintained a GPA of "B" or better in their major.

The Saint Leo University student honor society Delta Nu is a member of the Delta Epsilon Sigma National Scholastic Honor Society, which was founded in 1940 for students, faculty, and alumni of colleges and universities with a Catholic tradition. The purposes of the society are to recognize academic accomplishments, to foster scholarly activities, and to encourage a sense of intellectual community among its members. To be eligible for membership, a student must have acquired 60 credit hours, be able to demonstrate leadership and service to others, and maintain a GPA of 3.50.

The Iota Gamma is a chapter of the Phi Alpha Honor Society, which is a national honor society for social work students. The society was chartered in 1962 for the purposes of providing a closer bond among students of social work and promoting humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers. The requirements for membership are social work as a major, sophomore status, completion of nine semester hours or twelve quarter hours of required social work courses, be within the top 35 percentile of the degree program, submit an application with lifetime membership fee, and be in good academic and professional standing with the degree program. A graduate student is eligible for membership if he or she has completed one semester of coursework and achieved a minimum GPA of 3.5.

Kappa Delta Pi is the international honor society in education. Founded in 1911, the purpose of the society is to recognize excellence and foster mutual cooperation, support, and professional growth for educational professionals. Membership has included such exceptional educators as John Dewey, Jean Piaget, Howard Gardner, Eleanor Roosevelt, Alfie Kohn, and Albert Einstein. Over 50,000 of the brightest scholars and practitioners are members today. The Saint Leo chapter, Alpha Delta Alpha, was chartered in 2007. To be eligible for membership, students must have a minimum GPA of 3.4 and be recognized for excellence not only in academics but also in service and in educational practice. The motto of KDP is "So to teach that our words inspire a will to learn; So to serve that each day may enhance the growth of exploring minds; So to live, that we may guide young and old to know the truth and love the right."

Lambda Pi Eta is the official communication studies honor society of the National Communication Association. Founded in 1985, the society now has more than 400 active chapters at four-year colleges and universities worldwide. The Saint Leo University chapter, Omega Chi, was chartered in 2011. The name Lambda Pi Eta is represented by the Greek letters L (Lambda), P (Pi), and H (Eta), symbolizing what Aristotle described in his book Rhetoric as the three ingredients of persuasion: Logos (Lambda) meaning logic, Pathos (Pi) relating to emotion, and Ethos (Eta) defined as character credibility and ethics. The society's goals are to recognize, foster, and reward outstanding scholastic achievement in communication studies; stimulate interest in the field of communication; promote and encourage professional development among communication majors; provide an opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas in the field of communication; establish and maintain closer relationships between faculty and students; and explore options for graduate education in communication studies.

Omicron Sigma Sigma (The Order of the Sword and Shield) was established in 2010 at the campuses of St. John's University in New York.  The Society has grown steadily since that time.  As outlined on their Website, the Society is the first and only academic and professional honor society dedicated exclusively to homeland security, intelligence, emergency management, and all protective security disciplines.  The mission of the Society is to promote critical thinking, high scholarship and professional development; to further enhance the ethical standards of the protective security professions; and to cultivate a high order of personal living. In addition to its academic purpose, the Society is strongly committed to helping communities prepare for safety and emergency conditions and sponsors many types of informational events throughout the year.   The Saint Leo University Chapter was started in May of 2019.  Membership criteria includes: completion of ½ of the total number of credits required for their overall program, including completion of ½ of all credits in the Homeland Security, Intelligence, Emergency Management, or Protective Studies A.S., B.S., Minor, Master's, Doctoral, or Certificate Program.  In addition, students must have achieved an overall 3.25 (undergraduate) or a 3.50 (graduate) cumulative GPA or higher (on a scale of 4.0) for all credits, including transfer credits, or be in the top 20% of their class standing.   http://www.securityhonorsociety.org/home.html

Phi Alpha is the national honor society for undergraduate and graduate social work students. Established in 1960, there are currently 106 chapters in the United States. The purposes of Phi Alpha are to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideals. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarships and achievement in social work. To be eligible for membership, one must declare social work as a major, have achieved sophomore status, complete nine semester hours of required social work courses be within the top 35 percentile of the degree program, submit an application with lifetime membership fee, and be in good academic and professional standing with the degree programFor community college transfer students, Saint Leo has an alumni chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society of two-year colleges.

For community college transfer students, Saint Leo has an alumni chapter of Phi Theta Kappa (PTK), the international honor society of two-year colleges.

Pi Sigma Alpha is the national honor society for undergraduate and graduate political science students. There are currently more than 500 established chapters at American colleges and universities. The Saint Leo University chapter is Omega Epsilon. The society contributes to University life through sponsored campus visits by political leaders, community forums on political issues, and student site visits. In 2002, Omega Epsilon received a national award as one of three outstanding chapters of Pi Sigma Alpha. To be eligible for undergraduate membership, an individual must have completed at least ten semester hours of work in political science, including at least one course at the upper-division level; maintained a GPA of "B" or higher in all political science courses; maintained general scholarship sufficient to be placed within the upper third of one's class; and fulfilled any additional requirements prescribed by the local chapter. Associate memberships are also available to students wishing to participate in chapter activities who do not as yet meet the national requirements.

Psi Chi is the national honor society in psychology, founded in 1929 for the purpose of encouraging, stimulating, and maintaining excellence in scholarship and advancing the science of psychology. Psi Chi is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and is an affiliate of the American Psychological Association and American Psychological Society. Psi Chi functions as a federation of chapters located at more than 875 senior colleges and universities in the United States. The Saint Leo Psi Chi chapter was founded in 1997. The national organization's requirements for membership are completion of at least three semesters of college, completion of nine semester hours of psychology courses, registration for a major or minor in psychology, and undergraduate overall cumulative GPA of 3.00 and rank in upper 35 percent of their class (sophomore, junior, or senior) in general scholarship. Students also must have a 3.00 GPA in psychology courses.

The National Society of Leadership and Success—Sigma Alpha Pi—began with a vision of its founder, Gary Tuerack, who wanted to build a community to truly impact lives in a positive and lasting way. He teamed together a nationwide effort of professional speakers and staff members at universities who believed in the mission of making a long-term positive impact in people's lives and began creating a program designed to offer continual motivation and support, with accountability steps to help people take the necessary actions to achieve their goals. The vision was to create a community where like-minded success-oriented individuals could come together to learn from and support one another. The vision included a supportive group dynamic with presentations from the nation's top presenters along with proven useful tools and strategies for achieving goals. The society began with 131 members at 16 chapters in the first year. As word of mouth spread and the offering improved, the society rapidly continued to grow, and still continues today. The society was chartered at Saint Leo University on April 23, 2008.

Theta Alpha Kappa (TAK), national honor society for religion studies and theology, exists to encourage, recognize, and help maintain excellence within the academic study of religion and theology. It does this primarily by recruiting and chartering local chapters in appropriate, qualified institutions of higher learning—which chapters, in turn, exist to pursue these same purposes in a local context through their various activities and induction of qualified students. Secondly, through its Journal and other programs, TAK seeks to pursue these purposes within a national and (hopefully in future) an international context. TAK is held to high standards in supporting and recognizing these scholarly pursuits by its status as a member society in the Association of College Honor Societies, as a related scholarly organization of the American Academy of Religion, as an affiliated society of the Council of Societies for the Study of Religion, and as a nonprofit, educational corporation in the State of New York, In each case TAK has committed itself—through its incorporation papers and constitution—to these purposes and high standards.

Upsilon Pi Epsilon (UPE) is the first, and only, existing international honor society established to recognize academic excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels in the Computing and Information Disciplines.  Organized at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, in 1967, the society now consists of chapters in various colleges and universities throughout North America and overseas.  Saint Leo University's Omicron Chapter was established in fall, 2015. Its membership consists of outstanding scholars, chosen not only for their academic achievement in a computing science program, but also for distinguishing themselves as true professionals by meeting the standards and achieving the goals of the society, which include: The recognition of outstanding talent in the field of computing science; The promotion of high scholarship in computing science; The establishment and maintenance of high standards in computing science; The representation of computing science in interdisciplinary communications, and The encouragement of individual contributions to society through computing science. UPE is a member of the Association of College Honor Societies and has received endorsements from the two largest computer organizations in the world, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS).

Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges

Saint Leo University is a current member of the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges Degree Network System (DNS). The DNS is a group of institutions selected to provide servicemembers and their eligible family members the opportunity to complete college degrees without losing credit because of frequent changes in duty station. For example, many courses offered by member institutions have two-way guaranteed transferability to provide more flexibility and options in order to satisfy degree requirements. The SOC DNS Student Agreement issued to all eligible students at member institutions provides a complete evaluation of servicemember's prior learning, including courses from other colleges and universities, military training courses, military occupational experience, nationally recognized exams, and other non-traditional credits, as well as clearly identifying requirements for completing the degree. Current SOC Degree Network System membership and participating degree information is available at http://www.soc.aascu.org/.

Although Saint Leo University is currently a member of the SOC Degree Network System, membership or participating degrees may change at any time.

Accessibility Services

Saint Leo University is committed to a policy that provides an equal opportunity for full participation of all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in admission or access to its educational programs and associated activities. Appropriate academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Accessibility Services, which is located in the Student Activities Building. In accordance with federal regulations, the Office of Accessibility Services is the only authority in the University that may determine and approve accommodations under ADA. Students with disabilities who require accommodation should contact the office as soon as possible. Students seeking accommodations are responsible for providing the University with recent documentation of their disabilities at the time they are requesting services. Students may access the Policy and Procedure Manual through contacting the office. The Office of Accessibility Services can be reached by phone:  352-588-8464 or email:  adaoffice@saintleo.edu

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) Statement

Saint Leo University has a strong commitment to principles of equal employment opportunity and equal access to education. Saint Leo University does not discriminate on the basis of age, color, disability, ethnic origin, genetic information, gender, national origin, race, religion, sex, veteran status, or any other category protected by federal, state, or local law in its educational programs, admissions policies, financial aid, employment, or other school administered programs.

The policy is enforced by Saint Leo University and by applicable laws such as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Title VI and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Americans with Disabilities Act, Age Discrimination Act of 1975, and Florida Civil Rights Act of 1992.

The Title IX coordinator may be contacted at titleixcoordinator@saintleo.edu or vanessa.oconnell@saintleo.edu

The Director of Accessibility Services and the Section 504 Coordinator, Michael Bailey, may be contacted at michael.bailey02@saintleo.edu

University Library Services

University Library Services provides instruction, information resources, and services needed by students pursuing their education and seeking an understanding of themselves, their world, and their Creator. The Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library faculty and support staff offer direct personal assistance to all our students and faculty, at all locations and online. Library acquisitions are carefully selected to support the curriculum and to provide information resources in a variety of formats.

Located on the University Campus and overlooking Lake Jovita, the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library provides a welcoming environment for individual and group study and research. The three-level library building houses book print collections, ebook, electronic, audiovisual, and instructional materials collections, as well as an extensive periodicals collection. The electronic resources complement and enhance traditional print and non-print information resources. Computer workstations for accessing the library's online catalog and multiple research databases are located throughout the building. Additionally, the library houses a student computer lab with a full suite of software for courses, a small makerspace; and The Hugh Culverhouse Computer Instruction Center classroom 1 is equipped for collaboration and seminars, while the Hugh Culverhouse Computer Instruction Center 2 (CCIC1 and CCIC2), is equipped with computers and resources that can be used for whole class instruction, group projects or as computer labs when not being used for instruction.  The library also houses three other flexible classroom spaces with video teleconferencing capabilities, and several group study rooms with glass white boards. The University Archives and Special Collections are also housed in the library building.

Library faculty regularly conduct classes in information retrieval and library research skills to promote Information Literacy and lifelong learning online and in person. Because many students will use the library's resources from a distance, an online orientation to the library and its resources, as well as a large selection of help videos are available to all students wherever they are located. The online orientation includes tutorials on the use of OCLC discovery search, research databases, Internet search engines, and other selected reference sources, as well as general information literacy topics.

The library web page offers remote access to the library's resources and services no matter your location, along with a chat feature for anyone requiring assistance. For off-campus students enrolled at Saint Leo University Worldwide Education Centers, the website provides easy access to the library's resources and services, including reference and research help, writing assistance, the information retrieval system, approximately 500,000 eBooks, and multiple research databases that include many thousands of full-text journal, newspaper, and magazine articles.

In addition to serving as the gateway to academic research for both distance learners and University Campus students, the library website also includes a calendar that students can use to schedule on-site, online, or telephone library and writing support, the ability to call, email, chat or text for research assistance The website also features course- specific LibGuides and links to selected reference sources available on the Internet. Online request forms are also available to further aid students with document delivery and interlibrary loan services, while a toll-free number to the reference desk (800) 359-5945 affords direct person-to-person communication with a librarian concerning reference, database research, bibliographic search, circulation, interlibrary loan, document delivery, and course reserve services.

Besides the personnel and resources of the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library, University Library Services also provides online and regional librarians for the Saint Leo University Worldwide Education Centers students and faculty not located at University Campus, serving students in all of the University's undergraduate and graduate online programs. Even if you are taking courses at a distance, the library can support your research, writing, and information needs.

The library is dedicated to serving all students and faculty, at all locations. There are even two writing faculty available in the library; they work with the faculty librarians as well as other writing support personnel to providing assistance with all aspects of the writing process, from the first idea to the bibliography support for students as well. Additionally, the Daniel A. Cannon Memorial Library establishes cooperative agreements with local libraries and host institutions for use of library resources by students enrolled in Saint Leo University Education Centers; students can also get reimbursed for obtaining a local library card at another academic library that does not have a cooperative agreement with the University.

University Library Services is further strengthened by participation in networks and cooperatives for interlibrary loan exchanges throughout the United States and globally. The Cannon Memorial Library is a charter member of the Tampa Bay Library Consortium (TBLC) and a participant in Ask-A-Librarian, Florida's largest collaborative online reference service. The library is also an active member of the Florida Library Information Network, ICUF Libraries, OCLC, and LYRASIS.

Computer Usage Guidelines

University-owned or -operated computing resources are provided for use to faculty, students, staff, and authorized associates of Saint Leo University. All faculty, students, staff, and associates are responsible for use of Saint Leo University computing resources in an effective, efficient, ethical, and lawful manner. The following guidelines relate to the use of these computing resources:

  1. Computing resources and accounts are owned by the University and are to be used for university-related activities. All access to computer systems are managed by the Department of Information Technology, including the issuing of passwords, must have prior approval.
  2. Computing resources and accounts are to be used only for the purpose for which they were assigned and are not to be used for commercial purposes or non-University related activities. The continued use of an account after the student enrollment or faculty/staff/associate employment ends is considered a non-University related activity, except for e-mail accounts used by alumni.
  3. Individuals must not use an account assigned to another individual, including student accounts, without written permission from either the Department of Information Technology or the division that granted the account. Faculty, students, staff, and associates are individually responsible for the proper use of their accounts, including proper password protection and appropriate use of Internet resources. Allowing friends or nonauthorized individuals to use accounts, either locally or through the Internet, is a violation of these guidelines. It is recommended that account holder change the account password at least once per semester.
  4. Data files are confidential. Computing Services or departmental staff may access others' files when necessary for the maintenance of University records, the maintenance of computing systems, validation of online coursework, or during investigation of serious incidents. The latter would require the approval by the appropriate institutional official, or as required by local, state, or federal law.
  5. University computing resources may not be used to intimidate or create an atmosphere of harassment based upon gender, race, religion, ethnic origin, creed, or sexual orientation. Fraudulent, threatening, or obscene e-mail or graphical displays used to harass or intimidate others are prohibited. Chain letters, mass mailings, and repeated sending of e-mail after being requested to stop are also examples of inappropriate uses of University electronic communications resources. Users will abide by applicable federal and state laws.
  6. No one should deliberately attempt to degrade the performance of a computer system, including network resources, or to deprive authorized users of resources or access to any University computer system in any way, including the intentional distribution of spam or malware.
  7. It is a violation of these guidelines to use unauthorized knowledge of a password to damage any computing systems, obtain extra computing resources, take resources from another user, gain access to computing systems, or use computing systems for which proper authorization has not been given—either on campus or off campus.
  8. Software use must conform to copyright laws and licensing agreements.
  9. For the protection of all Saint Leo University computer users, an individual's computer use privileges may be suspended or restricted immediately upon the discovery of a possible violation of these guidelines or other campus policies. Whenever possible, users whose computer access has been restricted or suspended will be notified of the restrictions and the means for resolving the matter. Individuals who violate these guidelines will be subject to sanctions as outlined in the University's Employee Handbook, Student Handbook, or Academic Honor Code. All such cases will be forwarded to the appropriate officer of the University for action.

Computer Specifications

Saint Leo University is committed to ensuring that all students have access to technology to support their educational pursuits. While the University maintains several computer laboratory facilities with full academic software, hardware and printing capabilities, we recognize students utilize personal devices. Below are the minimum configurations for a device to meet compliance requirements for use on the university network. If your laptop does not meet compliant requirements or you need a laptop, the Department of Information Technology does offer a rental program to students that qualify, to learn more, please visit the Laptop Rental Program page (https://www.saintleo.edu/student-experience/support/department-of-information-technology/laptop-rental-program). 

Saint Leo University highly recommends that all students have the following minimum configuration for personal laptops:

Hardware Requirements

  • Dual Core or higher processor
  • 8 GB of RAM or higher or mac OS version 11 Big Sur 
  • 256 GB of hard drive disc space or higher
  • Wi-Fi enabled
  • Ethernet network port

Software Requirements

  • Windows 10 or higher or Mac OSX version 10.8.5 Mountain Lion
  • Office 365 (students are eligible to have a free Office 365 Account) this includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneDrive with 1TB of cloud storage and Access*

*Access is only available to be installed on Window based computers.

Please note that there may be software components accompanying textbook materials that are not MAC compatible. Students may experience problems using these tools as a result. Saint Leo University cannot be held responsible for students experiencing difficulty with software components that are not MAC compatible.


Latest version of Chrome, Firefox or, Safari

Textbooks and Materials Fees

Saint Leo uses Barnes and Noble College as its book vendor. Financial aid students are able to buy their books using their anticipated financial aid credit (if their financial aid award exceeds tuition charges for the term). Financial aid students who wish to buy their books using their financial aid credit must wait until after they receive their book vouchers to purchase their books. Financial aid students will receive, via their Saint Leo e-mail account, a voucher number with the subject of the e-mail being "Use your STUDENT ALLOCATION to order your books online." Students who are purchasing their books by credit card can do so when registration opens.

The University offers an equitable access program for course materials through Barnes and Noble College called the Course Materials Connection Program or CMC.  Students participating in the program are charged $26.00 per credit hour for the course materials required in each course they are enrolled in.  Students who choose not to participate can opt out of the program and purchase from the bookstore off the opt out term textbook list.  (Financial Aid can be used to cover the fees both in the program and if opted out of it.)  Online students can access the textbook website at https://saintleo.bncollege.com/shop/saint-leo/home . All students are initially enrolled in the program, unless they complete the form to Opt Out.

Laptop Rental Program

Saint Leo University is committed to ensuring that all students have access to technology to support their educational pursuits. University Campus students including transfer students, Part-Time students, and commuters, may be eligible for the Department of Information Technology (DoIT) Laptop Rental Program.


  • Must be enrolled in a Saint Leo University Undergraduate Program at our main campus
  • Must be enrolled full-Time

Availability for Rental Laptops is on a first come, first served basis. A laptop rental is a non-refundable $50 fee per term.  All available laptops meet the Saint Leo University Compliant Device Requirements above.

Application for Graduation

Students must make formal application for graduation through the Degree Conferral Application system located in the student portal - eLion. A fee is required for graduation, even if the student chooses not to participate in the Commencement exercises.

In order to provide time for a thorough research of the applicant's record, the application must be submitted two semesters/terms prior to the anticipated graduation date in order to allow a degree audit.

The conferral date is determined upon completion of all requirements listed under degree requirements, including the completion of all incomplete work and receipt and posting of all transfer credit. The conferral date will be the day after the last day that all requirements are completed.

Commencement Exercises

Each year at the completion of the spring semester, the university holds commencement ceremonies with academic regalia at University Campus and select Education Centers.

University Campus and WorldWide students who have met all the requirements of Saint Leo University for receipt of the doctorate, master's, bachelor's, or associate's degree and have met all financial obligations may participate in a commencement ceremony.

Master's, bachelor's, or associate's degree students who have a maximum of two courses left for degree completion at the end of the spring semester may request permission from their College Dean or Center Director to participate in the commencement ceremonies if they can provide evidence that all remaining coursework will be completed by September 1 following graduation exercises. 

Doctoral students must have all program requirements satisfied, including successful dissertation defense, by the set deadline within the Spring semester. 

Application is required for consideration. Applications must be submitted through the student portal - eForm - Commencement Application system. The system displays the dates of the commencement events and the deadlines to apply to be able to participate. The application for commencement is separate from the Degree Conferral Application (noted above).

Admissions Policies and Procedures

Saint Leo University is committed to policies that ensure there is no discrimination on the basis of age, gender, race, color, creed, religion, national origin, or disability. The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in admission or access to its educational programs and associated activities.

Students with disabilities requiring special services should identify themselves and their needs to the Office of Accessibility Services and University Enrollment Management - University Campus Enrollment, Center for Online Learning Enrollment, and Education Center Enrollment as soon as possible after receiving notification of their admission to the University.

Students interested in attending Saint Leo University's traditional, residential undergraduate areas of study should refer to Admissions Policies and Procedures  of this catalog for admission information for University College.

Students interested in attending Saint Leo University at one of our Education Centers or through the Online Learning Center (OL) should refer to Undergraduate Policies and Procedures , "Saint Leo University WorldWide ," and "Center for Online Learning " of this catalog. Saint Leo University is committed to providing the best education for all its students. We believe that education is a developmental process and that a critical element in learning comes from peer-to-peer connections. As a result, the Education Center enrollment is designed to serve the needs of adult learners and members of the military.

Appeal of Admission Decision

Applicants denied admission to Saint Leo University may appeal the decision by filing a written request for review to the Assistant Vice President for Enrollment within 30 days of the decision. The applicant may submit additional documentation, which will be reviewed along with all previously submitted credentials. The applicant will be informed of the decision within 30 days of the receipt of the request for review.

Student Financial Assistance

For information about financial assistance, see Admissions Policies and Procedures .

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs assists, nurtures, and supports students and their peer communities through programs and services that encourage intellectual, interpersonal, and spiritual development. The staff is strongly committed to the total development—mind, body, and spirit—of each student within our University community. This is accomplished through the development of a healthy and positive community that enables each student to develop social and interpersonal skills, foster leadership skills, explore career opportunities, cultivate sound ethical and moral principles, deepen spiritual commitments, and formulate a philosophy of life that embraces our Benedictine-inspired values of community, respect, excellence, personal development, responsible stewardship, and integrity.

Departments within the Division of Student Affairs are designed to assist a student's growth and development as a whole person by assisting all students in becoming healthy individuals engaged with our community and to broaden their leadership and career related skills. Saint Leo University recognizes that working with others through out-of-classroom projects, activities, and events develops leadership, promotes community on the University campus and at centers, creates a vibrant student life experience, and generates strong school spirit for all. Saint Leo University provides career counseling, job search advising, and career management support to all Saint Leo University students and alumni.

Student Life

As active members of the University community, students are encouraged, individually and collectively, to express their views on institutional policy and matters of general interest to the student body. University Campus students can participate in the formulation and application of institutional policy, affecting both academic affairs and student affairs, through standing committees, the Student Government Union, and numerous ad hoc committees and organizations. Any students concerned with an academic issue should contact the department director, College Dean, or Center Director. All issues concerning student life should be directed to the Vice President for Student Affairs.

Code of Conduct

Students' Rights and Responsibilities

As members of the Saint Leo University community‚ students can expect to be afforded certain basic rights and can also expect to be held accountable for certain basic responsibilities. Therefore, to maintain standards that contribute to the intellectual, spiritual, and moral development of students and ensure the welfare of the University community, Saint Leo University has established its Code of Conduct, part of which appears below.

Saint Leo University is an educational environment dedicated to fostering intellectual achievement, personal development, and social responsibility. The disciplinary system is an integral part of our educational process. While a university education is primarily academic and intellectual in nature, it also includes the development of Core Values that translate into responsible behavior. Students are expected to display respect for individuals and their rights within the Saint Leo University community setting. Persons at Saint Leo University locations are expected to express themselves through conduct which does not deny other individuals the freedom to express their own individuality socially, emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually, and does not deny other individuals their rights. Saint Leo University maintains the right to dismiss or suspend or otherwise take action related to any student for reasons that the administration deems to be in the best interest of the University.

For the full text of the Code of Conduct, please go to https://www.saintleo.edu/sites/default/files/2023-08/Student-Code-of-Conduct-Final-23-24.pdf

Admission to Class

Faculty are required to admit to class only those students with appropriate documentation as directed by the Registrar.

Student Misconduct

As members of our community, Saint Leo University students are expected to conduct themselves at all times in accord with good taste and respect for others. In addition, they must observe the regulations of the University and all local, state, and federal laws. All University community members—faculty, staff, employees, students—have the right and obligation to report violations of civil or University regulations to the appropriate University Vice President.  Special note on Center Students:  Center Directors serve as designees of the Vice President for Student Affairs or designee with respect to Center students.   

Should a University community member encounter a disruptive student, the student shall be politely, but firmly, asked to leave the classroom (or wherever the locus of disruption). A University community member has the authority to do this if the student is acting in a disruptive manner. If the student refuses, University Safety shall be notified.

Additionally, if a student demonstrates a lack of respect for a faculty or staff member by raising his/her voice, using profanity, and/or being aggressively argumentative, the student may be found in violation of the University's core values and brought through the conduct process which may result in conduct probation, suspension, or dismissal from the University.

Personal Abuse

All members of the University community and guests are entitled to be free from harassment, coercion, sexual harassment, threat, disrespect, and intimidation. Any statement or action that damages or threatens the personal and/or psychological well-being of a person will not be tolerated.

Personal abuse not only occurs when directed to the individual but can also occur in the presence of the individual.

Students who feel that they have been subject to personal abuse by a faculty member, staff member, or another student should report the incident online at http://saintleo-advocate-symplicity.com/public_report/index.php/pid944581?

Office of University Ministry

Mission and Purpose

University Ministry serves the religious and spiritual development, as well as the personal and social justice concerns, of all the students, faculty, and staff of Saint Leo University. From the wisdom tradition of our Benedictine-inspired heritage, we emphasize the spiritual and religious importance of learning and learning well. From the world-engaging spirit of the Second Vatican Council, we encourage a spirituality where people claim and develop their natural and human gifts for the service of others, especially for the poor and forgotten. Because we are a Catholic university, we give special attention to nurturing the Catholic identity and self-understanding of Catholics in our community, as well as offering joyful and meaningful worship.

All members of the Saint Leo Community are always welcome to join any specifically "Catholic" activity that University Ministry offers. In actual fact, the majority of our activities, such as retreats, and mission/ service trips, are open to all—that is, open and welcoming to all Christians as well as to our brothers and sisters of the Jewish, Muslim, and other faith traditions.

As part of the larger mission of Saint Leo University, University Ministry supports and educates for our core Benedictine-inspired values of excellence, community, respect, personal development, responsible stewardship, and integrity. University Ministry especially promotes the Benedictine-inspired values of community building and hospitality on campus and in our residence halls. We emphasize in a positive way wherever we can that we truly are "our brothers' and sisters' keepers" (Genesis 5). We are called to hold one another in sacred trust and never to violate that sacred bond. Thus, we affirm and call forth the best of one another as well as challenge any behavior or attitudes that destroy human dignity and community and our sense of joy of being part of the Saint Leo family.

This spirit of community building and cooperation leads University Ministry, Student Services, and Residence Life to share programs and to support one another's endeavors. University Ministry works with the President's Office and Academic Affairs in introducing new faculty and staff to our Catholic and Benedictine heritage. In terms of outreach to the larger community, University Ministry works very closely with our own Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies and with University Advancement and Alumni Relations to involve our friends and neighbors in the mission and activities of Saint Leo University.

University Ministry Services

  • Ensures the worship and ritual life for the University Community—Catholic Mass, memorials, and special events of a religious and patriotic nature.
  • Trains and mentors young adults for lay leadership in the Catholic Church or in other Christian Churches through the Ministry Mentor Program.
  • Offers retreats and other experientially based opportunities for spiritual and personal growth—deeper awareness of God, self, and others and integrating the mind-body-spirit connection.
  • Provides and encourages Bible study, lectio divina, prayer groups, and faith communities.
  • Trains and educates liturgical ministers (readers, Eucharistic ministers, ministers of hospitality) to take an active role in Sunday Liturgy and at other schools' Masses.
  • Trains and educates student singers and musicians through student choir and band, to make Campus Liturgies and "Praise and Worship Nights" a joyful expression of faith.
  • Invites speakers to talk about contemporary issues in religion and/or in social justice.
  • Offers sacramental confession, spiritual direction, and pastoral counseling.
  • Provides sacramental preparation for marriage and for the other sacraments through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA), including Baptism, Confirmation, and First Holy Communion.
  • Offers pastoral care in cases such as times of illness (including hospital visits), during personal crises and other traumatic events, on the occasion of a divorce or death in the family, and in the case of serious illness or death of a friend.
  • Offers the Invocation at all "home" athletic events and provides special retreats and prayers for the various athletic teams.
  • Supports efforts to affirm and protect life from conception to natural death with our pro-life "Imago Dei" group.
  • Through "Project Rachel," provides support and guidance for those who are suffering remorse after having had an abortion.
  • Collaborates with Counseling Services, to provide emotional support as needed.

For further information and updates, consult our website: www.saintleo.edu/umin.

Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies

It is the mission of the Center for Catholic-Jewish Studies to build mutual respect, understanding, and appreciation among Jews, Catholics, and all people of good will by providing opportunities for interfaith education and dialogue.

Established at Saint Leo University in 1998, the Center concentrates its efforts to promote interfaith dialogue on contemporary problems and to address historical conflicts, as well as to educate the wider communities on the philosophical and theological understandings for the two faiths and their impact on modern society. The Center is open to all members of the community.

Intercollegiate Athletics

The Intercollegiate Athletic Program is conducted under the auspices of Saint Leo University, the Sunshine State Conference, and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), Division II. The University offers competition for men in soccer, basketball, baseball, tennis, lacrosse, and golf. The University offers competition for women in soccer, indoor volleyball, beach volleyball, basketball, softball, tennis, golf, lacrosse, and acrobatics and tumbling.

In order to participate in intercollegiate athletics, students must be free from academic or disciplinary probation. Athletes must earn at least 9 credit hours per term and earn a minimum of 24 credits per year. All student-athletes must maintain a 2.0 grade point average. Students must ensure that professors are informed in advance of their scheduled absences (see Academic Procedures and Definitions). Freshman students must qualify for athletic participation under the NCAA Initial Eligibility Standards as follows: successfully complete a high school core curriculum of at least 16 academic courses including at least three years in English, two years in mathematics, two years in social science, and two years in natural or physical science (including at least one laboratory class if offered by the high school), three years of additional core classes (english, math, or natural or physical science), four additional years of English, Math, Natural or Physical Science, Social Science, foreign language, comparative Religion or Philosoph.  The compliance office at the University will handle transfers on a case-by-case basis.

The athletic facilities include the Marion Bowman Activities Center that features a gymnasium with two basketball courts and three volleyball courts, and a fitness center. In addition to the Marion Bowman Activities Center, there are outdoor tennis courts, lighted baseball and softball fields, a soccer field, a synthetic turf lacrosse field, and an out outdoor basketball court.  There is an intramural/practice field which houses the beach volleyball courts.  Three commercial 18-hole golf courses are adjacent to the University Campus.


The campus recreation programs enrich the educational experience and promote student/ staff/faculty wellness by providing high-quality, satisfying recreational experiences:

Intramurals:   Intramural sports are a wonderful way to make new friends, develop your mind and body, and learn new skills. Participate in structured leagues and an array of activities, including basketball, flag football, softball, volleyball, ultimate frisbee, soccer and dodge ball. 

Fitness Center: The fitness floor is a 7,000 sq foot space. The fitness Floor contains all the latest cardio, plate loaded, free weights, sectorized and HIIT Equipment. The fitness floor is in the wellness center.  There are also three group exercise rooms in the wellness center.

Lakefront:    Take the canoes, kayaks, or paddleboards out on the water; hang out on the dock or even fish. Bring a group of friends down and take advantage of the various lawn games we have available.  Enjoy the picturesque view while benefiting from a little peace and quiet from your busy day at the lakefront.

Pool:   The Wellness Center has a resort style pool with an infinity edge and two lanes. Stop in to work on your tan or play water basketball. The pool is open from 8 am everyday till sunset.

Alumni Association

The mission of the Saint Leo University Alumni Association is to foster a mutually beneficial relationship between Saint Leo University and its alumni by promoting active alumni participation and involvement through on-campus and regional programs; serving as an advocate for the University's mission, plans, and purpose; identifying and encouraging the enrollment of quality and diverse students; assisting in gathering philanthropic support; and recognizing University alumni and friends who are distinguished by their loyalty, professional achievement, and community service. In fulfilling this mission, the Saint Leo University Alumni Association will ensure that all of its efforts and activities are consistent with the University's values, strategic objectives, policies, and procedures.