[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2018-2019 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Mar 10, 2025  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2018-2019 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

SWK 342 - Social Justice and Social Entrepreneurship

3 credits
Prerequisite(s): Junior Standing in Social Work or by permission of the instructor
An examination of the concepts of the Social Justice Model and Social Entrepreneurship for social work practice in the United States and world today are the focus of this course.  Included will be an examination of alternative conceptions of and motivations for becoming committed to social justice and an analysis of its meaning and value.  There will be critical consideration and assessment of factors which contribute to social justice challenges which threaten individuals, families, and communities.  Solutions will be generated through applied social entrepreneurship innovation to meet those challenges.  Meanings assigned to community and service will be discussed, in large part because they are concepts that embody values, beliefs, attitudes, and ideas that are central to definitions of democracy, social justice, civic resiliency and public life.