[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Feb 14, 2025  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2020-2021 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

BIO 333 - Experimental Design

3 credits
Prerequisite(s): MAT 151  and junior class standing, or permission of instructor
In this course students will learn the factors that must be considered to plan a research project in the life sciences. Students will pose a research question, formulate a scientific hypothesis, employ the scientific method to test that hypothesis, and introduce the statistical methods employed to analyze the resulting data to reach a valid scientific conclusion. This project will then be performed in senior seminar (BIO 498) in the student's senior year. Students will demonstrate critical thinking skills, and an understanding of how research is conducted. Social and environmental justice themes are woven throughout the course.