Prerequisite(s): All 300 level course requirements This is the culminating, full-time, classroom teaching experience, under the supervision of a qualified mentor teacher and a university supervisor. Final interns will apply the knowledge and skills acquired in their course work and previous practicum experiences in preparation for a career as a professional educator. The final internship requires a time block coinciding with the daily schedule of the mentor teacher, approximately 20 hours for the duration of the university semester. The internship is open only to seniors who have applied and been approved for student teaching through the Education Department. This is a pass/fail course.
The two-credit hour senior seminar focuses on synthesizing the knowledge base gained during course work with the experiences of final internship. Students will collaboratively problem-solve concerns arising from the field experience, and participate in activities designed to prepare them for employment as a professional educator. Students will demonstrate knowledge of assessments and data analysis in the implementation of a research-based plan of instruction for the early childhood classroom. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the Florida Teacher Standards Birth-4. Students enrolled in EDU 481 will participate in Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) within the seminar course.