Students majoring in medical technology spend three academic years at Saint Leo University and spend the fourth year at an affiliated hospital. During the first three years the student must complete 93-96 credit hours. In the third year, the student should apply for admission to the clinical program. The student is still registered at Saint Leo University during this period and will receive an additional 30 credit hours. Medical technology majors earn credits from life and physical sciences that explore both facts and epistemologies employed by scientists. As a result, medical technology majors are not required to take the two Scientific Perspective courses in the General Education (LINK) component of their program.
Saint Leo University is currently affiliated with Bayfront Medical Center, St. Petersburg, FL. Students will study under the guidance of the Medical Director, Laboratory and Medical Technology School, Larry J. Davis, M.D.; Administrative Director/ Laboratory Services, Maria Duynslager, B.A.; and the Program Director, School of Medical Technology, Dawn Tripolino, MBA, MT (ASCP).
The course sequence for biology, environmental science, and medical technology majors are available from Math and Science Department academic advisors and are also on the Saint Leo University website.