2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Religious Studies Minor (University Campus Only)

The 15-credit Religious Studies minor is interdisciplinary and allows students to formally study religious traditions and religious aspects of human experience from the perspectives of Religious Studies, its sub-disciplines, and alongside disciplines that are allied with Religious Studies. The Religious Study minor is highly customizable according to individual interest and pairs well with many other majors, including but not limited to History, Political Science, Economics, Medical Humanities, Criminal Justice, Biology, Psychology, Social Work, and Interdisciplinary Studies.The knowledge and skills mastered in this program prepare students well for the numerous and varied private and public sector careers with which religion interfaces.


Minor Electives

Complete One 100/200 level course that has not already been taken from the following choices:

ECO-201, ECO-202, EDU-222 or from Subjects: Religion, Religous Studies, Honors Program, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, International Studies, Medical Humanities, Philosophy, or Politics.  


Complete Two 300/400 level course that has not already been taken from the following choices:

CRM-332, HCA-430, PSY-328, PSY-337, PSY-339, PSY-444, SOC-323, SOC-334, SOC-343, SOC-348, SOC-350 or from Subjects: Religion, Religous Studies, Honors Program, History, Interdisciplinary Studies, International Studies, Medical Humanities, Philosophy, or Politics.