[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog 
    Feb 18, 2025  
[ARCHIVED CATALOG] 2021-2022 Undergraduate Academic Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Student Affairs

Student Affairs

The Division of Student Affairs is a collaborative team of professional educators and staff fully integrated within the University, enabling students to experience a seamless educational program and graduate with a clearer understanding of the world and themselves, guiding them successfully through life.

Student Affairs is charged with providing guidance, support services, and a variety of intentional and purposeful programs/activities intended to complement the academic pursuits of students and to promote a students' development. Throughout the Division of Student Affairs, you will encounter caring professionals who are not only trained and skilled in their own specialties, but are professional educators dedicated to assisting students in developing to their full potential.

The role of our staff is to assist the student in reaching true maturity. When coupled with a challenging academic experience, these services and opportunities facilitate a student's total development so that they attain their educational goals as individuals prepared to function successfully as leaders within a global society

Accessibility Services

Saint Leo University is committed to a policy that provides an equal opportunity for full participation of all qualified individuals with disabilities in accordance with the ADA-AA. The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in admission or access to its educational programs and associated activities. Appropriate academic accommodations and services are coordinated through the Office of Accessibility Services, which is located in the Kirk Hall. In accordance with federal regulations, the Office of Accessibility Services is the only authority in the University that may determine and approve accommodations under ADA-AA. Students with disabilities who require accommodations should contact the office as soon as possible. Students seeking accommodations are responsible for providing the Office of Accessibility Services with recent documentation of their disabilities at the time they are requesting services. Students may access the Accessibility Services Welcome Packet and Student Handbook through the Saint Leo University website or by contacting the Office of Accessibility Services. The Office of Accessibility Services can be reached by phone at:  352-588-8464 or email at:  adaoffice@saintleo.edu

University Safety

At Saint Leo University our mission statement is simple: Provide a safe and secure environment for our students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Our University Safety Department takes that statement seriously. We are staffed with trained and professional officers who are certified in their field by the State of Florida. They patrol the campus twenty four hours a day, seven days a week, on foot, mountain bikes, patrol car, and golf carts.

We are proud of the fact that Saint Leo University has an extremely low crime rate which allows our students to focus on their top priority: Being a student!

Please stop by and visit our office or stop one of the officers for a chat. We believe that you will find our University Safety personnel to be friendly, caring, and attentive to your concerns. If we can be of assistance please do not hesitate to call upon us. Visit the Campus Safety web site: https://www.saintleo.edu/campus-security-safety  or call: 352/588-8432.

Career Services

Career Services assists students and alumni with all phases of career development, from career guidance and job search training to resume advice, interview skills, and professional networking. We support the mission of Saint Leo University by offering a practical and effective model for life and leadership in a challenging world.

Our department provides career coaching and job search resources to assist students and alumni with making informed career development decisions and building the career competencies needed for successful employment outcomes.


  • Encouraging student and alumni development through personal career exploration, by providing networking opportunities, workshops, and career events.
  • Creating collaborative employer partnerships to optimize career opportunities.
  • Partnering with the academic community to facilitate the development of career skills.
  • Offering contemporary technological resources to enhance the delivery of career services.

Career Services centralizes most services and resources through Handshake, our online one-stop resource for students, alumni, and faculty to connect with employers and career readiness resources. Handshake's offerings include:

  • Online database of jobs and internships around the country
  • Combined calendar of career events, both on campus and virtual
  • Appointment setting tools to schedule an individual session with a career advisor - in-person, via phone, or via video chat
  • Career resource library to access at your convenience 24/7

Career Services also partners with Interstride - the international career portal for students. Interstride is an interactive career platform designed to enhance the career exploration and job search experience for international students, including strengthening your professional profile, navigating the visa process, searching for jobs, and building professional networks.

For further information, please access the Career Services website, http://www.saintleo.edu/career-services call 352-588-8346, or email us at careerservices@saintleo.edu .

In addition to what is provided through this department, information on the specific student services offered at each Education Center can be obtained from the Center Director or academic advisor. This may include student chapters of professional organizations, services available through the University's website, and/or referral services to local agencies. Saint Leo University does not guarantee employment upon degree completion, it provides career counseling, job search advising, and career management support to all Saint Leo University students and alumni.

Counseling Services

Counseling Services is located in deChantal Hall, Ext. TALK (8255). The Center is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., with evening hours available on an individual, as-needed basis.

Counseling Services offers confidential, short-term professional counseling to individuals as well as groups and couples. Counseling staff work closely with faculty and staff members in a consulting capacity to address mental health and developmental issues as they occur among members of the student body.

The Counseling Services website can be accessed at https://www.saintleo.edu/counseling-services  Self-help resources are available to all University students on the Counseling Services website. Whereas the campus community affords a wide variety of resources to help students adjust to university life, the Counseling Center's primary purpose is to provide psychological and developmental support as students pursue academic and personal goals, and to enhance the quality of their experience at Saint Leo University

Dining Services

Dining services works hard to design meal programs to meet individual needs. Our goal is to make sure that you will not have to worry about finding something great to eat at convenient times. Dining on campus provides a social experience essential to campus life. It provides opportunities to gather with friends, take study breaks, hang out, relax and unwind after a hard day of classes and activities.

Employer Relations

The Office of Employer Relations facilitates the recruitment strategies of local, national and multinational organizations by connecting talent acquisition staff and hiring managers with students, alumni, and the broader Saint Leo University community.  The team partners with key internal and external community stakeholders to showcase Saint Leo's talent pool of students and alumni, enhance student learning through internships and other experiential learning opportunities, and increase post-baccalaureate career placement as part of the institution's retention efforts. 

For more information, please contact the Director of Employer Development and Experiential Learning at (352) 588-8822.

Orientation and Parent/Family Programs The Office of Orientation and Parent/Family Programs welcomes new students and their families to the lion pride, supporting successful student transition, retention, and persistence to graduation and beyond.

Orientation and Parent/Family Programs is located in Student Activities Building,  room 107.

Leadership Development

The L.E.A.D. Scholars program is committed to the leadership development of incoming freshman students. Incoming freshmen apply for the scholarship and then are selected based on their leadership involvement both in high school and in their respective communities. This scholarship program is a four year process in which students are involved until they graduate. The program exists to support and stimulate leadership development throughout a student's career at Saint Leo University. By embracing the Benedictine values held by the University, the program strives to foster an environment that encourages excellence, personal development, self-respect, respect for others, community, integrity, and responsible stewardship, as well as to develop well-rounded students. By taking advantage of the leadership opportunities offered, such as taking courses, attending workshops, and getting involved on campus, students will develop leadership skills that they can utilize for the rest of their lives.

Lions Care

Lions Care is a university-wide initiative that embraces our institutional Core Values, especially the values of Respect and Community. Sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs, this website provides resources for individuals who may need assistance. Lions Care is an umbrella for care-related resources for the University community. Through this site you may access many resources and reporting avenues so that appropriate follow-up action can be taken by members of the staff. The intent of the website is to proactively:

  1. Foster a caring and safer University community
  2. Engage University community members as active participants, not as idle bystanders, in assisting other community members.
  3. Provide campus based and community resources, and
  4. Provide appropriate referral and reporting mechanisms to address concerns.

The Division of Student Affairs is committed to promoting greater awareness of high risk behaviors and their impact on individuals and the community; providing prevention education opportunities for University community members and creating an environment that empowers survivors to access resources on and off-campus. From role modeling and training others on appropriate bystander actions to advocating for and supporting those impacted by high risk behaviors, the members of the Student Affairs staff are here to help

Meal Plans

The University provides food service on University Campus during the fall and spring semesters, and resident students enrolled in University College are required to be on a meal plan as required by their housing assignment. Students living in Apartments 1 - 4 may choose either a five-meal-per-week plan or a ten-meal-per-week plan. East Campus residents may choose either of the meal plan options.

Multicultural and International Services Office (MISO)

In support of the Saint Leo University mission statement, the mission of the International Services Office (ISO) is to assist, nurture, and support the International and study abroad students and their peer communities through planning, developing, implementing, and evaluating programs and services that facilitate intellectual, interpersonal, and spiritual development. The ultimate mission of the ISO is to assist the university in achieving its goal to be a university of international consequence.

Office of Military Affairs and Services

Saint Leo University has a long and proud history of educating our nation's men and women in uniform. Since 1973, we have been a leading institution of higher education for military members, veterans, and military spouses for both traditional and online programs to help them attain a college degree and find gainful employment following their military service. As a university, we understand that you have many choices when it comes to attending college during and after your military service. We are honored to assist in your transition to the civilian workforce and meet your goals for higher education.

We also understand that balancing college life, military, career, family, and personal responsibilities can be extremely challenging; therefore, Saint Leo University would like to assist you in achieving your personal, educational and career goals. It is a proud heritage in which we all share, as one university community, committed to continuing to serve those who currently serve or have served our nation.


All first-year and transfer students in the University College are required to attend orientation programs. These programs are designed to acquaint students with University Campus, academic programs, Student Affairs offices and services, University policies, and the faculty, staff, administration, and other members of the student body. Participation in the orientation program sets students on a path toward academic and personal success at Saint Leo University.

Residence Life

The purpose of the Residence Life program is to work collaboratively with students, staff, and faculty in the creation of a caring living and learning environment. At Saint Leo University, resident students have the unique opportunity for personal growth within a supportive and safe environment. Residence hall living offers new personal freedoms and therefore new and challenging responsibilities. Through the creation of residence hall communities, University Campus students are encouraged to appreciate and respect the rights and privileges of others while simultaneously living within the established policies of the University. In addition to this greater sense of community and personal responsibility, the University encourages the individual choice of personal lifestyle and behavior, with the realization that all students will be treated as mature adults and held accountable for their respective actions.

Saint Leo University considers the residential experience to be an integral aspect of the University College student's holistic education and personal development. Given this philosophy, all full-time University College students (12 or more credit hours) are required to live on University Campus. Exceptions are allowed for those students living at and commuting from family-owned property, married students, veterans, nontraditional students, or senior students who have earned over 90 credit hours. Saint Leo's residence halls are designed for traditional-age students no older than 28 years of age. All requests for housing made by a student 28 years of age at the time of the request are reviewed by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs or designee. The residence halls are staffed by live-in professional staff members who are specifically trained and dedicated to the service of students and the promotion of their growth as individuals. Assisting the professional staff are undergraduate Resident Assistants (RAs) and Resident Assistant Directors (RADs), who also provide a valuable resource to the University Campus community. Together, the Residence Life staff provides a wide variety of events, programs, and activities designed to suit the diverse needs and interests of our residents. The staff is accessible and available to assist and challenge residents as they work to create a strong community of contributors and leaders in each residence hall. A Residence Life professional staff person is on duty at the University Campus 24 hours a day while the University is in session.

More-detailed information concerning Residence Life and its services, policies, and programming can be found in the Code of Conduct, which is available electronically to students each academic year.

Student Affairs

The office of the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs is located in the Student Activities Building. Students, parents, and families with personal and campus concerns and questions should contact this office for assistance and information. The Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Student Affairs staff practice a student-centered education and student-first philosophy of service. The Student Code of Conduct, which is in place for the safety and well-being of our University campus community, is enforced by the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs. The Student Affairs staff is further involved in student life by sponsoring numerous programs and activities, planning and coordinating new student orientation, and providing leadership training and opportunities for student involvement in campus governance.

Student Activities

The Office of Student Activities strives to create meaningful learning opportunities that teach and challenge students to be life-long learners; value excellence within themselves and others; seek out their personal best; live life with a sense of integrity; respect and celebrate the uniqueness and commonalities of all individuals; and foster community and stewardship. ​ The Office of Student Activities oversees University Campus programming, student organizations, leadership development, diversity programs,Student Government Union (SGU), Campus Activities Board (CAB), Greek Life, and Community Engagement.  Co-curricular activities sponsored by the Office of Student Activities are open to all University Campus students paying the activities fee.

Student Life

As active members of the University community, students are encouraged, individually and collectively, to express their views on institutional policy and matters of general interest to the student body. University College students can participate in the formulation and application of institutional policy, affecting both academic affairs and student services, through standing committees, the Student Government Union, and numerous ad hoc committees and organizations. Any students concerned with an academic issue should contact the department director, School Dean, or Center Director. All issues concerning student life should be directed to the Associate Vice President for Student Affairs

Student Success

Academic Case Management/Coaching

Student Success supports all students from matriculation through graduation, promoting academic excellence and personal development.   Student Success provides educational guidance, support, and assistance using a variety of advocate and coaching techniques to create personalized interventions, coaching, and support services (both academic and non-academic) for all students. Student Success partners with many other departments on campus to identify and resolve system level issues that may create barriers to student retention, persistence and graduation. All University Campus students are assigned a Student Success Coach based on their College.

Academic Advising Online Learning

Saint Leo University Online Learning (OL) students can count on their personal student advisor to provide them with the guidance they need to achieve their educational goals. Online Learning has professional student advisors charged with the responsibility of advising students and reviewing programs and courses. All are available to assist and support by telephone: Undergraduate at (877) 856-2144 and Graduate at (877) 882-3612, by e-mail, or by Live chat.  See https://www.saintleo.edu/worldwide-student-advisors

Academic Vision & Excellence
The center for Academic Vision & Excellence provides free academic support programs and services to equip students with the tools necessary to achieve academic success.  Services include content tutoring, Supplemental Instruction (SI), Peer-Assisted Learning (PAL) Coaching, Placement Testing, and test proctoring for students registered through the Office of Accessibility Services.  Programs include academic success workshops, midterm and final exam programming, and other programs hosted by student staff throughout the semester.  The center for Academic Vision & Excellence works closely with Faculty to supplement classroom learning.  There is also a computer lab and study area for student use.  Visit the center for Academic Vision & Excellence in LionsSHARE courses for more information.